Help with death on 10/31/2019 12:06 PM CDT
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Hello rangers! Player from late 90's (ducks) and last time I was active was 2006. I left the game after dying on the Lybadel and was at the bottom of the ocean.. literally for years. Always had a soft spot for DR and wondered what was going on and came back today. My dead body is still on the Lybadel and of course there is no one around. It has been so long so I am a bit rusty. Sorry to use this forum but no longer know anyone to even start with. What do you suggest I do? If I depart, would I again end up at the bottom of the ocean? Would anyone be able to help me?

Also it appears I have lost all my spells. I didn't know that could happen but any insight would be wonderful.

~Lybadel ghost
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Re: Help with death on 10/31/2019 12:49 PM CDT
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Welcome Back!

<<My dead body is still on the Lybadel and of course there is no one around. It has been so long so I am a bit rusty. Sorry to use this forum but no longer know anyone to even start with. What do you suggest I do? If I depart, would I again end up at the bottom of the ocean? Would anyone be able to help me?

I would suggest you DEPART FULL if you have enough favors to do so. The depart command was updated when you were gone. Now you have some options such as keeping your coins or items at the cost of a couple more favors. You can see these listed here: (PS Elanthipedia is your new BFF for learning all the things!)

DEPART FULL will let you depart and keep items and coins so there will not be need for a rescue. And IIRC departing on the Lybadel does put you on the bottom of the ocean, but it's a small event and a place other characters cannot go. And I forget where a grave would go if you would use a regular DEPART.

<<Also it appears I have lost all my spells. I didn't know that could happen but any insight would be wonderful.

This is also due to an update. Around 2012, a major update to magic and skills (known as DR 3.0) was released and every character was given a spell wipe because the changes were so large. Every guild's spells were reworked and spell slots changed (see for more information)

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