The Foresters Outpost on 03/11/2004 07:17 AM CST
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Eesh...I'd say it's updated it, but that barely touches what i've done. After four months or so, not only has the ranger registry been updated, but a few pages have been added to the foresters outpost, a few have gone away, and the site has undergone an overall design change - not to mention its new home . Hopefully the next update won't take so long.


Come look at the ALL NEW Foresters Outpost...with 33.8% more registry additions, a new domain, AND the all new Ranger Tales page.
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Re: The Foresters Outpost on 03/15/2004 12:42 PM CST
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gah..i still have Pep, the Plat version, listed. I need to send you an email with the new stuff. Good site though!! Do see some rather "infamous" folks without info in the registry.

I am Pep-tog.
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