Re: Ok, here I go... on 05/23/2004 07:22 AM CDT
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What does it matter the gender of the person OOC? Yah ain't dating them....hopefully. Now THAT would make YOU a weirdo.

Mytherceria, BlackFire Hopeful
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When boredom hits .... on 06/24/2004 06:17 PM CDT
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Look for love interests!

I've been on a mission to hit 50th circle as of late...which means a lot of training...and a lot of very very boring moments of draining/doing nothing. Now then. Myth, as a character (male human warrior mage), is an equal opertunity gender's not an issue. Race is a bit of an issue though. Elves, Humans, Rakash, Kaldar are great! S'kra and Prydaen are all right too in a scaly furry sorta way.

I'm looking for someone that is in DR a lot, likes to hunt or at least can hunt in the same part of the world as Myth can so we can spend down times together. I'm a roleplayer. I like people that know how to use ACT, SMILE, and the rest and that can type in complete sentences with punctuation.

Any guild is fine.

Myth tends to hunt in Leucros in the Crossing area, Sandsprites/swains in Ratha, and pecs/swamp trolls in Lang. However, I personally like to travel and would like to try him in new things. He's got a manor in the Temple Hill area of the Crossing..but everything is dusty in there. He never goes home.

My AIM is MytherceriaDR. If you'd like to meet up, give me a hollar and save me from my boredom!!

Player of
Mytherceria, Stylebunny Extraordinaire.
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Re: When boredom hits .... on 06/27/2004 05:22 AM CDT
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Well at least I'm not the only one who is bored lately. I have been debating if this is the time to call it the end or not, but just as I am about to give up I have some fun and want to stay.

Myth, (or anyone else for that matter) if youre ever bored on Ratha, I wouldnt mind a hunting partner. My husband has recently left the realms, I am adjusting to life alone again. Im a bit above sprites and I am an elf, but I dont mind backtraining. I spend alot of time in Leucs training HE, shield and hiding. Give a yell on gweth, or send a pigeon to LazyBlondeCleric.


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Re: When boredom hits .... on 06/27/2004 07:09 AM CDT
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Watch out though, she will drain your soul like a hafling eats a tart and get more pleasure from it too.

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Re: When boredom hits .... on 06/29/2004 03:31 PM CDT
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>>Myth, (or anyone else for that matter) if youre ever bored on Ratha, I wouldnt mind a hunting partner. My husband has recently left the realms, I am adjusting to life alone again. Im a bit above sprites and I am an elf, but I dont mind backtraining. I spend alot of time in Leucs training HE, shield and hiding. Give a yell on gweth, or send a pigeon to LazyBlondeCleric.

That sucks. I didn't know he left. Maybe I'll have to see about getting over there one of these days. I'll just be insane and run across Hara and hopefully make it there in one piece.

If you get bored, just go track Scandi down and cut her tail off. I still have those shears for you to use for that.


Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.

"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"

Ambassador Genneron, of M'riss
[Arcath] "Public Service Announcement: Please shoot at the archers and not at Arcath"
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Re: When boredom hits .... on 06/29/2004 06:31 PM CDT
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<laughs> Thanks Brabs, I never considered that Scandi could be my new source of fun and excitement in the realms. That would be a good plan except Sammee gets so testy sometimes. Its safer if I find other sources of entertainment. But I have an elf cookie, thats a start!

Hi. I dont care. Thanks.
This message brought to you by Prozac.
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Re: When boredom hits .... on 06/30/2004 10:04 PM CDT
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Brabs!!!! You stop instagting stuff! My tail belongs to Sammee!

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Re: When boredom hits .... on 07/01/2004 08:53 AM CDT
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>>Brabs!!!! You stop instagting stuff! My tail belongs to Sammee!

So the rest is fair game? <ducks>


Fighting with a bunch of archers in Geni.

"Hey, it's shoot GENI, not shoot GEN!"

Ambassador Genneron, of M'riss
[Arcath] "Public Service Announcement: Please shoot at the archers and not at Arcath"
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Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/24/2004 01:17 AM CDT
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ME: I am 32, male, Canadian and i play at wierd hours. Im in the EST zone. I dont cyber. IG or in IMs. Im also single at the moment IRL so there wont be a jealous girlfriend or wife.

MY CHARACTER: Is around 50th circle, a rogueish Prydaen warrior who is a loner by nature. <Pride of One> He likes to hunt and enjoys excitement and new things and spontaneous travel plans. He has a deep rooted sense of honor and fair play even though he has many friends and associaets who dwell on either side of the line. Think of a Ying Yang and thats him. Little good in the bad.. little bad in the good.

SEEKING: Someone to be a life-mate companion and grow with. Ease the boredom first and foremost and if it goes somewhere great. Someone who i can shoot the breeze with in IMs while wiping the room of critters IG.

YOU ARE: Female first and foremost in both worlds, because i get personal with the people ive become good friends with i enjoy talking with them about thier day IRL, or how thier latest trip to where ever was.. or how crappy they shot at golf on the weekend.

YOU ARE: Around my circle 40-55, can hunt or at least can survive on the field of battle. A Flirt. Fiesty yet compassionate. Not a gold digger or a loud-mouthed wench. <I get myself into enough trouble without a woman helping the situation> I dont want someone who has 14 characters on 5 accounts who has a bonded husband for 13 of them and looking to complete the circuit. Other characters are fine.. i have one myself< young clerical type{for now} about 7th circle>
and if they can interact as well, even better.

POINTS OF NOTE: I am a mix of RL and RP. Now i wont talk about how great the Toronto Maple Leafs are and how they won again in the game the night before.. but neither am i a die hard, never breaks character RPer. Rather easy going and down to earth is what i am. I like to mingle.. i like to be alone and i like to hunt. I like Prydaen and Elven women.. not really sure why.. i just feel thats what my character would like as a preference. Elves probably because of the hint of the wild in thier blood. Kaldar and Rakash could fit in there too. Not one for dwarven women.. trust me i have enough body hair for both of us. S'Kra would be something neat too. Not a big fan of Gnomes either.. just too darn short.

MORE POINTS OF NOTE: I only really have one profession id "rather" not find a companion in and that is a fellow "urban survivalist" if only for the fact that i dont want to feel like we are having a competition for boxes and stealth. Empaths are great though as ive said.. i like to hunt. If you're okay with it, im okay with it. Traders would be a bad mix because well.. i steal from your guildmates and im not really going to feel sorry about it. Commoners deciding to become instant 40th circle Necromancers need not apply either because id hate to have to kill you later :)

BASICALLY: Im looking for a friendly, single female around my circle with similar morals and beliefs, who likes to hunt and have a bit of fun and maybe one day tie the knot and get bonded. <figure after 7 years i ::should:: get married one of these days>. Someone who i can joke with and who can give as good as they get with a sence of humor. If you dont have that.. this will never work. If the word "boob" OR the act of getting a playful smack on the tush OR the mere mention of anything that could be possibly construed as a sexual inuendo offends you.. you arent for me and im not for you.

If however when you hear the word "boob" you "puff out your chest and strut around" OR proceed to give me a sound thrashing with a few elbows to the ribs AFTER a smack on the tush OR if you are the kind of person who actually will make the occasional sexual inuendo type comment then you may just have met that guy your mother warned you about but secretly dated in High School and fooled around on her boyfriend with in College/University and still meets once every couple months in a small coffee shop beside a motel in Tulsa. :)

DuskDRx is my IM

You can probably find me IG most nights.. wandering about trying to find something to occupy my time.

"History is written by the victors."

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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/25/2004 12:05 AM CDT
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That can all be summed up with "man wants to hang with woman".

IM me @ whatever.

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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/25/2004 10:36 AM CDT
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Actually that was very well thought out, well written, and entertaining. I hope you find what you're looking for!


You get some crushed honey comb from inside your leather haversack.

You pull your honey comb through your hair, wincing as it drags on the tangles.

You pull your honey comb through your hair, brushing it out.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/25/2004 10:40 AM CDT
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>Actually that was very well thought out, well written, and entertaining. I hope you find what you're >looking for!

Heck, I just want to be his friend now, based on that post.

AIM: Ysselt
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/25/2004 12:52 PM CDT
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I understand that was long winded but i am looking for something quite specific.

After an arguement/discussion last night regarding my posti have come to the conclusion that the person im looking for is rare.

I also feel i havent explained it as well as i would have liked because there is just too many thingsto figure out.

I am NOT however, looking for someone to rearrange thier whole life in DR, change who they are or how THEY play the game.

Im looking for someone who can fit into what IM looking for and vice-versa.

Im not a bad guy.. im just picky. I dont like to share and i prefer not to wait 4 hours while another character of yours is doing a relationship with someone else.

As i said last night.. I can be alone all by myself.. i shouldnt need to get myself an IG girl to do it.

Some of you may think im nuts.. but thats okay. Ive had this kind of relationship with 2 other people in my years playing DR.. both have left DR for various RL reasons so i know people like what i am looking for are out there.. i just need to find them and i was hoping that another post here would help the situation along a bit.

Thanks again...

"History is written by the victors."

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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/25/2004 01:06 PM CDT
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>>>Heck, I just want to be his friend now, based on that post.

Heh. Me too.


You get some crushed honey comb from inside your leather haversack.

You pull your honey comb through your hair, wincing as it drags on the tangles.

You pull your honey comb through your hair, brushing it out.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/25/2004 11:31 PM CDT
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Dulci, ive known of you for more years than i can remember and if it werent for the fact that you are just so much higher than me in pretty much every skill.. i would have persued you.. but personally, id wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that i was retarding any of your training time because of that difference.

Im almost positive we talked about this once before many months ago.

Besides that.. i still think you are a cutie :)

"History is written by the victors."

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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/26/2004 01:10 PM CDT
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>>~Dusk~ Post<<

Boy, a few months ago I made a post telling someone else they were not detailed enough. This is a great post.

Too bad Maxx is a straight male with a girlfriend, but that is a damn good post.

Maxxwel, druken babbling empath at large.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/26/2004 07:21 PM CDT
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But, but... I don't fit your criteria!

I'd love a refresher course on that conversation. My skills could use some retarding.


~Dulcinia (not as high as people seem to think)

You get some crushed honey comb from inside your leather haversack.

You pull your honey comb through your hair, wincing as it drags on the tangles.

You pull your honey comb through your hair, brushing it out.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 07/26/2004 10:52 PM CDT
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Perhaps i was mistaken and it was with another <whom i thought was much more skilled person> and i just thought it was you because all along ive secretly harboured a powerful crush on you.

Which criteria BTW?

Also im always up for making friends. Ive been told by some i need to expand that circle.

I just seem to find it hard to break the loner mindframe. Ive basically been hunting by myself for the better part of 2 years.

It would take me a while but i could learn to tandem or tri hunt again.

Also note 2. Younger is okay as well. I have many things i can train of lesser ranks and im in no real rush to get past 50. I have changed a few of my goals so 50th is top on that list and the rest are my own little secrets :)

"History is written by the victors."

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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/06/2004 08:04 AM CDT
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and all this time I thought Dusk was a Ranger.

~Chris, player of Field Medic Nimmi who could stand to be a little more observant.

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. - Unknown
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/23/2004 02:43 PM CDT
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>>Dulci, ive known of you for more years than i can remember and if it werent for the fact that you are just so much higher than me in pretty much every skill.. i would have persued you.. but personally, id wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that i was retarding any of your training time because of that difference.

Hell I dated Dulcinia and we made each other retarded, nothing wrong with that!

BTW I hope you find what you're looking for, your post was the best one I read here so far.

~ Striderr Slayn ~ Ranger

~ My Therapist told me I needed a New Sig line.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/23/2004 03:00 PM CDT
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There's something about seeing "Hell" and "I dated Dulcinia" in the same sentence that makes me just a bit uncomfy.


And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

I miss you, Ally.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/24/2004 02:16 PM CDT
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Hey it's not like I said dating Dulcinia makes hell look like a vacation spot, I mean I could've but I didn't.

:) You know I have nothing but love for you my Dulci de Leche

~ Striderr Slayn ~ Ranger

~ My Therapist told me I needed a New Sig line.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/24/2004 08:21 PM CDT
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And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

I miss you, Ally.
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/25/2004 05:55 AM CDT
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>>There's something about seeing "Hell" and "I dated Dulcinia" in the same sentence that makes me just a bit uncomfy.

Har har har, I'm sure worse could be said. lol


- Saint Korsik

If you're feelin' bold, And you must be told,
You'll feel a whack upon your back, From a knuckleduster made of gold,
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Re: Life-Mate Companion Sought... on 08/26/2004 07:21 AM CDT
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LOL probably. Now shush, Korsik. I'm working on a new one.


And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

I miss you, Ally.
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This folder is so dead... on 11/25/2004 06:32 AM CST
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....with the exodus occuring in the realms, but, it's been half a year or so, so I guess I should try again.

A s'kra male seeking something similiar, i'll just leave it at that, rather than going into details which won't matter anyway.

I'm partial to rakash and s'kra, have white scales, and enjoy collecting shiny things and minerals.
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Re: This folder is so dead... on 12/16/2004 10:22 PM CST
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Trazier man, you should have just asked me to hook you up. I'll do so next time I see you, since I always do.

Limitation strictly defined by motivation. - Edan
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Re: This folder is so dead... on 12/20/2004 04:49 PM CST
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>>Trazier man, you should have just asked me to hook you up. I'll do so next time I see you, since I always do.

You didn't seem too receptive of me inside the actual world. I think you said hi to me once while I was charging some cambrinth, then sighed and held hands with everybody else present (I guess to whisper group) then when I came back later, same deal, you just held the hand of everybody and things were extra quiet, so I wandered off.

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Re: This folder is so dead... on 12/20/2004 04:52 PM CST
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I guess while i'm at it, i'd include this... My look at myself in a mirror.

Trazier Ziers of Aesry Surlaenis'a, a S'Kra Mur.
He has a shallow-featured face with a flexible ridged crest which follows the shape of his skull, sparkling slitted eyes, one crystal blue and one crystal green and a slender snout, white scales with a pale silver underbelly, a long tail and a scrawny build. He has a delicate design of gilded spiderwebs which angle across his eyes and up his temples.
He is tiny for a S'Kra Mur.
He has a tattoo of a dragon coiled about itself with its sleeping head resting on his tail.
Hi is in good shape.

He is wearing a lumpy bundle, a great helm, some gauntlets, some field plate armor, , an indakar wren charm, a pair of pitch-black boots, a black tinted cambrinth ring sharply etched with sinuous S'Kra Mur sigils, a black gem pouch, a white eyepatch with a grinning yak stitched into the front, a pilgrim's badge, a pitch-black belt, a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a dark cambrinth armband inset with a multitude of tiny gemstone chips, a twisted cambrinth armband, a pitch-black sheath, an iheaneu'a shield brooch, an emerald and xibaryl wristband, an emerald and xibaryl wristband, some glittery fluttering tail ribbons, a pitch-black backpack, a card collector's case, and a dingy grey cotton loincloth with a rolled waistband.

And that's pretty much it. I wander aimlessly around the islands, watching the population plummet day after day, seeking something to do, something to make this place more fun than hunthunthunt, skin, repeat.

~Trayzeeair... Scaled one at large... or tiny, depending.
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Youthfully seeking..... on 05/04/2006 02:05 PM CDT
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Right, well, a young s'kra is starting to wander the realms. Initially I had him pegged as a thief, to live that life, but now i'm wondering...

He's young, and I think it would be interesting to let his existance determine his guild. I remember in my mid teen years, those were the most influential in my life, so why not have it the same for him?

First.... he's seeking! Not necessarily a lover (although he's not entirely against that either), but more someone a bit more experienced in life, or in city life, to maybe show him around, be friends, or who knows?

He has a bias towards males, and s'kra mur (easier to identify with), but he also likes prydaen, rakash, humans, hell, just about anything/anyone he could try to learn from. He'd even love to meet up with a gor'tog, since the 'slave years' were before his time, but he could always learn from one who was considered property but a few decades ago......... All but a 'tiny' gnome might be a bit too much. He's a kid, how can he take seriously, someone who isn't even as tall as one of his boots(1.75 feet=tiny gnome)? An average height gnome, maybe, a tall gnome would look like a halfling, so sure for that too. Now for the vitals.

You see Xanther, a S'Kra Mur Commoner.
He has slitted eyes, one crystal blue and one amber, red-gold scales and a slender tail.
He is fairly young for a S'Kra Mur.

He has faint scuffing to the right arm, faint scuffing to the left arm, faint scuffing to the right leg, cuts and bruises about the right hand, faint scuffing to the chest.

He is wearing a black gem pouch, a hammered copper tailband, a black cotton gamantang, a willow backpack, a bronze and cambrinth earring carved into the shape of an ox horn, a cambrinth ring, a cambrinth ring, some sorrel red snakeskin leathers, a jade green foraging apron, a lasmodi gwethdesuan, a gold ring bearing the crest of the Empath Guild, a glittering great helm, some black taloned gauntlets made to resemble a snake's shifting scales and an oval shield.


Name: Xanther Race: S'Kra Mur Guild: None Yet
Gender: Male Age: 15 Circle: 0
You were born on the 30th day of the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Golden Panther, 367 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.

Your birthday is more than a month away.

Strength : 11 Reflex : 12
Agility : 10 Charisma : 9
Discipline : 9 Wisdom : 8
Intelligence : 20 Stamina : 12
Favors: 9
Concentration: 1 Max: 1
TDPs: 22
Encumbrance: Somewhat burdened

1 gold Kronars.
no Lirums.
no Dokoras.

I've decided his life over the next few IG years (so maybe what, six months rl?) will determine his guild.

Will he be a strapping barbarian?
Will he be a sneaky thief?
Will he be a pious cleric?
Will he be an empath in a life of servitude?
Will he be a (gasp) necromancer?

All depends on what he goes through. He does like the shiny ring an empath gave him though, so maybe he's leaning in that direction......

So, anybody interested in maybe getting to know a young, corruptible (if you're into that necro stuff), scaley s'kra? He's around the crossing, but can hear replies here. Tends to hang out in the shipyards, or the northeast gate foraging, maybe even swimming in arthe dale.
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Re: Youthfully seeking..... on 05/04/2006 03:56 PM CDT
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How exciting! If my character is up in the Crossing area I will try to find you. Enjoy and I think you've got some great ideas here.

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LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 02/04/2010 08:56 PM CST
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I'm not really sure if anyone watches these board anymore, but if so I'm hanging around the lands quite a bit these days after a bit of break. I'm mainly beating up Vipers, Oafs, and Beasts, but I'm thinking of maybe heading over toward the Islands to beat up the deliciousness that is Snow Goblins. Thus, if you're anywhere around the Crossing or the Islands that would work well obviously.

I'm not looking for anything specific, mainly just people to chat and RP with as we watch our text numerals grow. I finally went ahead and made an AIM for DR, so if you want feel free to message me at EndletDR. Also if it's important I'm an Elven Thief.
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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 02/05/2010 05:01 PM CST
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While i'm a citizen of aesry, I tend to hang around ratha because... well... more people, and that's pretty much it. I can see like 3 people a day on aesry, but three times that at one green on the third tier of ratha.

I've an empathic ally who's out here too, and it's fun to hang around with her, sometimes a ranger shows up... Anyway, if you decide to pop on by ratha, and maybe kill some swain or sand sprites or hatchlings or la'heke or whatever, and you need a skinner or locksmith or partner, I could come with.

I don't get to play as much as i'd like to, but generally when i'm around, i'm listening to the gweths. I also use albredine crystal rings, so you can think to me with a private thought if you have one and want to get my attention.

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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 02/05/2010 06:05 PM CST
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How many people are actually on Ratha on any given day? Serious question.

-Mr. Glemm
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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 02/05/2010 06:23 PM CST
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Probably 15-20 people between the Sand Sprites and Silver leucro hunters and then however many alts Vanjhimar has logged on.
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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 02/06/2010 05:27 AM CST
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I'm sure there's more than 15-20 people on Ratha, but not much more. Aesry is a little less populated and quiet. I find people hang out at the fissure in snow goblins or the curtain in oshu. I'll be around Aesry for a bit if you need a cleric or stealing advice.

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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 02/06/2010 04:55 PM CST
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Maybe I'll see you around then. I'm currently backtraining some weapons, but it's moving right along (it's not like 100 rank backtraining, more like 20-40). Afterward I'll probably check out Aesry. Something that can train everything well, is skinnable, and drops boxes seems to be just what the Doctor ordered.
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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 03/31/2010 01:39 AM CDT
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>>How many people are actually on Ratha on any given day? Serious question.

Does that include prydaens or no?

- Korsik

Open your eyes, I see. My eyes are open.
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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 04/01/2010 01:53 AM CDT
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Everyone knows prydaen aren't people.
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Re: LF: Hunting Buddies, Rivals, Companions...Whatever. on 04/01/2010 05:37 AM CDT
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You ask, "What is wrong with you?"

Teachkins says, "I'm naked, I'm irritated, I'm a cat man."

You see Teachkins, a Prydaen Bard.
He is wearing nothing special.

Vashir: one day I will devise a weapon fueled by the tears of warrior mages
Vashir: it'll be unstoppable
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