Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 12:17 PM CDT
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What is the deal with these Rippentropps people? I've heard of people refer to them as the "mafia", but the only encounters I have seen, they just seemed like bullies to me. I do like the idea of a well-RPed group of bad guys though. My question is though, is there an RP group setup in opposition to them? And if not, why the heck not? Seems like potential for good times there.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 12:45 PM CDT
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The Rippentrops are an OOC group of friends who managed to convince a few suckers that they're actually an IC group.

Those poor deluded individuals continue to try and RP in the glorious name of their deceased, bloated patriarch, who passed away from an overdose of mayonnaise with his waffles one morning.

The REAL Rippentrops are off playing WoW.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:18 PM CDT
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I thought this was going to be a post for recruiting.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:30 PM CDT
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>>I thought this was going to be a post for recruiting.

Maybe it is! :-D

I just wanted to know more about the situation to see if it would be worthwhile to start such a group.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:36 PM CDT
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I would have interest as long as it isn't a pure anti-rippentrop group.
The only thing I know of the Rippentrops is all their members could rip my head off, making it mostly a death sentence. Which is fine.
I personally IG have never heard of or witnessed anything that would make me think of anything about them negatively or positively.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:37 PM CDT
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>> PRAEDARI's post

I'd love to hear about your encounter. Why not share it with all of us. As to your question of whether or not there is another group in opposition to us... well, thanks for the laugh.

>> AMBERRONE's post

Someone's a little bitter. :P So the Dane's and the Rawr's never exactly took off, I can understand your frustration... really*.

- Galren Rippentropp

* Should be read in a sarcastic tone as Galren has never been been mediocre and therefore never been frustrated with his position in life. I <3 you all.

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
Hes haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:42 PM CDT
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<<well, thanks for the laugh.>>
I found this odd. I would of thought (by reading your posts across the forums) that you would welcome an opposition group.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:46 PM CDT
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>>I found this odd. I would of thought (by reading your posts across the forums) that you would welcome an opposition group.

I think either you're misinterpreting my post or I wasn't clear enough :P

I, as a Rippentropp, would love an opposition group. I was merely laughing at the thought of an opposition group - not trying to indicate that I would be against it.

Honestly, I think people read too much into the Rippentropp name (which is both good and bad). I always get a good chuckle when people call us bullies or griefers or GASP mean people.

- Galren

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
Hes haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:47 PM CDT
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Don't listen to Galren he's in on the joke and doesn't like that I'm exposing it with the UNVARNISHED TRUTH!

PS -- Galren Dane, think about it baby. We'll make an exception to the no-non-humans rule for you.

I can even get fat and START TALKING like someone WHO'S HAVING A LITTLE difficulty WORKING A TRIPLE CHEESEBURGER through her ABUSED AND NEGLECTED arteries.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:47 PM CDT
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>>As to your question of whether or not there is another group in opposition to us... well, thanks for the laugh.

It's not worth recounting, by any means.

I take it that your laughter is because your group is simply not significant enough to warrant such opposition.

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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:51 PM CDT
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>>I take it that your laughter is because your group is simply not significant enough to warrant such opposition.

Quite the opposite my dear. I've been hearing the outraged cries since our glorious patriarch (Gods rest his soul) founded the family.

Honestly, nobody could stand up to us even if they wanted to. But in all seriousness, what is there to stand up against? We don't exactly have a death grip on a given province and we don't beat down people for "protection" money. We just kind of... are. Rippentropp is a state of mind almost.

- Galren

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
Hes haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:52 PM CDT
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<<I think people read too much into the Rippentropp name>>
Currently I read nothing into the name. I have not heard nor witnessed anything IG that would indicate a cohesive group.

Ackfer - Halfling in a Can, No Fillers Here!
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 01:56 PM CDT
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>>Currently I read nothing into the name. I have not heard nor witnessed anything IG that would indicate a cohesive group.

Good. However the original poster as well as various members of Ilithi and Therengian seem to have a problem with us even going as far as proclaiming that we've secretly begun to wage war against the militias.

Senior Commander Gwenddollyynn smells like chipmunks. See? I too can pull stuff out of thin air and start selling my own dogma to the masses in order to inflate my own self importance. :P

p.s. I've nothing against Gwend if she choses to RP her character that way so be it - I just find it funny that it is basically coming out of left field.

- Galren

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
Hes haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 02:02 PM CDT
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>>Honestly, nobody could stand up to us even if they wanted to. But in all seriousness, what is there to stand up against? We don't exactly have a death grip on a given province and we don't beat down people for "protection" money. We just kind of... are. Rippentropp is a state of mind almost.

I see. Well this is why I asked about it. I had heard somethings on the forums but not much in game regarding the Rippentropps and so that is why I inquired.

Just looking for ways to RP in larger numbers. And playing the proverbial Eliot Ness to your Al Capone could turn out to be a fun adventure. But it sounds like your "Capone" is already dead, so it makes no nevermind.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 02:12 PM CDT
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You can come after me if you want I'm like Al Capone except without the syphilis (which is rampant amongst the Rippentrops)
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 02:13 PM CDT
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Never heard of you. :-D
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 02:16 PM CDT
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> Never heard of you. :-D

Announce you're having a "backpack on the ground' rummage sale on the Crossing gweths. :D

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, Ranger
>Tiesse exclaims, "The power of soon compels you!"
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 04:32 PM CDT
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I think the only really big public thing the Rippentropps have done so far is out Veyne, tbh.

Rev. Reene

"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- 'No, you move.'"
- Captain America
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 05:17 PM CDT
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There is that, and also as I understand it, they are constantly not stopping. Anywhere. At intersections, dead ends, cul de sacs.... not even for potty breaks on long trips.

If you see a seven caravan pile up on the NTR, it was probably another Rippentropp not stopping.

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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 05:44 PM CDT
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<3 Bahb

Rev. Reene

"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- 'No, you move.'"
- Captain America
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 09:17 PM CDT
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> I think the only really big public thing the Rippentropps have done so far is out Veyne, tbh.

Along with the hostilities against those following Veyne, I might add. Deaths, threats, and cold shoulders... even bounced me out of the market tents. I worked my caravan into the ground for the guild, 50 circles of sweat and tears, and a Rippentropp I had never had any negative dealings with suddenly starts bouncing me out of the tents.

So there. Meanies.

- ,

Disclaimer: The above statements may not reflect the actual views of the player. His character may have deserved all of what he got and more. This message should not otherwise negatively influence the perpetuation of the motion of the aforementioned group. Oh, and I approved this message.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 10:28 PM CDT
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<<The Rippentrops are an OOC group of friends who managed to convince a few suckers that they're actually an IC group.>>

you dont get them at all.

its a group of people so there is a continuum of personalities and behavior - but the spirit is an rp spirit.

the initial brains behind them, i believe Urwin (who left because he was an emmpath) left the gang to jhime. i know jhime well and will vouche for him. so will everyone else that knows anything about the game. top 5 in size in WM guild i think. (HE USED TO SUCK! HAHA ... like me)

uncalled-for, game disrupting behavior is not what they are about.

they rp arrogant, better-than, competent, snobs, that generally have some anger issues and that like to get physical. generally they dont unconsented PvP. this tells you that whiners have asked for it.

ive put considerable thought into developing an anti-rip movement. i wont tell them what this here psycho has already done but ive put some thought into it (all ig, they'd approve of the initiative).

but im committed to chasing circles to 100 turns out.

They've put the work in. they deserve some action.


:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 10:34 PM CDT
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To be perfectly honest, that particular Rippentropp kicked (and still kicks) every Veyne supporter she saw out of the tent (when she could), and it's largely due to the information my character spouted at her.

-not a Rippentropp

PS - Some of us weren't fooled by Bedan's 'I'm still a Trader, just poorly trained' routine. Well timed thump tests proved the theory, even if I couldn't possibly justify using that mechanic in any sort of IC fashion. Sucks to reroll a character you had 50 circles in, just to end up walking it before the necro guild even comes out =/
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 10:44 PM CDT
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> you dont get them at all.

I sat there and listened to one of them explain what the whole deal is over breakfast at Simucon.

> ive put considerable thought into developing an anti-rip movement.

I hope you can come up with something better than forcing other people to take action or submit to your actions by use of the ACT verb and raising declaratory fingers in the air.
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/19/2008 11:25 PM CDT
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> PS - Some of us weren't fooled by Bedan's 'I'm still a Trader, just poorly trained' routine. Well timed thump tests proved the theory

The first I heard that happening to me, I nearly canceled my account.

To be found out isn't a big deal. There were many secrets Bedan had. Some involved contact with various people in secret. I ensured to the best of my ability that these contacts were made in person. I did that to make sure it was possible for someone to discover that I was running off and chatting with the same stranger day after day.

To have an OOC mechanic used against me such as 'thump test' or praise, and then get outed that way. I'm sorry. I was a circle 50 trader. If you knew Bedan, you'd have known that he despised his guild. He hated trading. He even brought it up to Agonar once while he was walking about. I didn't change my actions one iota from the day before I rerolled to the day after, yet it was somehow laughable that I was trying to pull off that I was still a trader? I worked during those 50 circles. I was the one active trader in P5 for a long while. I provided services to Therengian units when I was younger, I always refused tips from empaths and raising clerics when selling gems. I taught and helped at many guild meetings, many of which after I rerolled. I was more of a trader after I rerolled than many are presently.

And for the reroll bit? There are two characters that I brought that up with IC, if you really want to know what my intentions were, feel free to start asking around.

As for the sucks to reroll a 50? I honestly plan to walk every character I start. Was I planning to walk Bedan when I did? No. That was a result of something that I really don't want to get into. But I really do wish more people had the fortitude to do the same.

This is a roleplaying game. I'd walk a circle 100 character if his useful days ended. The last thing everyone wants is for some evil character to go around, killing kids, eating babies, threatening heads of state, joining the DPs, killing triage workers, then come back a month later and say how much they've 'changed' and want to lead a blameless life from here on out, because they're tired of being hated and banishment sucks. Permanence in death is good from time to time. I'm done with Bedan and have no qualms about speaking my mind as long as I'm between characters.

I have a lot of praise for Lukka, Thoumas, Vahlissa, and others I worked with while I was cavorting about with the followers of Veyne. I have praise for the roleplayers I worked with on the Therengia side. I have a lot of praise for Caelumia and some of the Ripps that I worked with on their end of it.

But in the end, this is a roleplaying game. I don't give a single concern to skill training if it's not going to lead to further character development, and when I do come up with a new character, you can rest assured that when his useful days are over, he'll walk the starry road as well.

- ,
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 12:16 AM CDT
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> you dont get them at all.
<<I sat there and listened to one of them explain what the whole deal is over breakfast at Simucon.>>

Yes perhaps this whole thing is the result of one collective hangover. but does that mean that if you AIM yer bud, "Hey, lets make and evil army and take over elanthia" that you cant execute in game?

If you meet at simucon, does that invalidate any RP plans that are inspired at them?

hope you can come up with something better than forcing other people to take action or submit to your actions by use of the ACT verb and raising declaratory fingers in the air.

i can admit that the things i do to animate ragran are stupid.

but the game's called dragonrealms? the fact that i play is a little weird?

you seem to be able to recite pretty accurately what it is i do. i never heard of ya.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 12:23 AM CDT
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...minus the twinkling that you suggest.

I dont twinkle. i dont use act or smile macros that assume a characters reaction, or that control other characters, etc, etc, et al.

so shut it

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 12:42 AM CDT
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>> i dont use act or smile macros that assume a characters reaction, or that control other characters, etc, etc, et al.


yes you do.

I've harped on you for it in the past because it irritates me every time I see you do it.

Rev. Reene

"When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- 'No, you move.'"
- Captain America
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? ::Nudge:: on 09/20/2008 01:48 AM CDT
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Before this goes downhill, it's not the conflicts folder, take any bickering up there.

Senior Board Monitor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing Senior Board Monitor, or Message Board Supervisor
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 02:10 PM CDT
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<<I've harped on you for it in the past because it irritates me every time I see you do it.>>

okay i wont bicker.

Lets take the example that that person suggested:

Ragran throws a declaratory finger into the air for further dramatic effect.

this is as far as I go. some have argued it is twinkl"ish"; Why am I throwing the finger into the air? I tell you in the act/smile - rather than simply throwing a finger into the air. i respect the argument though im comfortable with the poetic license.

My Muggings:
I dont camp out in places like ferries and do a lot of muggings now that im power circling. the only one i do now since i dont have time is a mugging where i throw naphtha on someone, light a torch and talk some smack before demanding their money.

But in the past, when i had like 20 macroed muggings, i had a learning curve on the twinkling thing. While i never assumed the victims' reactions, i did do things like GRAB them (not to say they cant cast at me or shoot me for doing it). Its like SHAKEing someone - but it is twinkling.

Anyways i got feedback on the boards about it, and that effected the muggings.

if you think i still do it - this was years ago - please give examples.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 02:27 PM CDT
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>>i dont have time is a mugging where i throw naphtha on someone, light a torch and talk some smack before demanding their money.

That makes me want to train light thrown.


>>That whole anti-stud comment doesn't apply to just the boys here. Girl gamers are just as damaged-goods as the guy-gamers are, they're just a lot more emotionally fragile about the whole thing. ~LOFTONM1
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 03:12 PM CDT
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also, caelumia, without hostility, i have come across you in game like 5 times in the past 3 years. not sure how youve had an opportunity to to be irritated with anything more than my ugly puss.

though, if i had my druthers, i would have you as a kept woman. your own manor. text-wealth. anything you wanted!

and i would endeavour to irritate you for the rest of your life.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 04:28 PM CDT
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Oh sure...marry the moonie.


>>That whole anti-stud comment doesn't apply to just the boys here. Girl gamers are just as damaged-goods as the guy-gamers are, they're just a lot more emotionally fragile about the whole thing. ~LOFTONM1
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 04:53 PM CDT
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not marry. kept.

im married. so i'd buy her a manor and spend a lot of money on her.

all i'd ask in return is that she get down and give me shadows/cv/clarify/embue/CJ/locate/gate/intervene-in-my-conflicts-unlawfully-if-necessary at my leisure.

and endure my never-ending efforts to irritate her.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 05:01 PM CDT
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regarding the rippentropps...

im waiting to find out what side of the fence they fall off of? are you evil? good? is there anything beyond the association and good war stories?

please, i beg you to be "not good, not evil, something complex and nuanced." that way i can go on not knowing what im looking at.

i think im looking at potential.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 09:11 PM CDT
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I don't think you can ever get a group of people to all fall on the same bit of moral grounding. You can have moral goals as a group but the individuals will never see things from the same perspective.

Same can be said about the Alduath following. Some people RP it as being the only true god and feel that they're being just and right by doing his bidding.

Other's are just embracing their bullying nature with a thin vineer of mysticism and group reinforcement dynamics.

The only stated goal is not stopping and that's pretty androgenous as far as morality is concerned. The only action, as a group since I've played, was killing a necromancer. While this could be construed as a tendancy towards the lighter side of the force...maybe he just insulted their VERY fertile mother.


>>That whole anti-stud comment doesn't apply to just the boys here. Girl gamers are just as damaged-goods as the guy-gamers are, they're just a lot more emotionally fragile about the whole thing. ~LOFTONM1
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/20/2008 10:05 PM CDT
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err okay update. after i posted here i thought it would be a good idear to post the quation about rippentropp agenda/identity in discussions on smelly-cat so they can have a chance to flesh it out for themselves.

well, i might have been the wrong person to ask them about it. i got perma-banned. getting banned is my special ability what can i say.

however, i think the critic may be right, not much there now. maybe now that im gone they'll talk about it though. would still be interesting even if they really really do hate me. which can be good.

:oP Ragran
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/21/2008 08:16 PM CDT
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This thread has taken a strange twist. I was hoping for more anti-Rippentropp sentiments.

- Galren Rippentropp

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
Hes haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/22/2008 12:21 AM CDT
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I've personally only stomped 2 Rippentropp's but I'm hopeful for the future.


>>That whole anti-stud comment doesn't apply to just the boys here. Girl gamers are just as damaged-goods as the guy-gamers are, they're just a lot more emotionally fragile about the whole thing. ~LOFTONM1
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Re: Cleaning up the streets? on 09/22/2008 01:55 PM CDT
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Dear Lord, I'm sorry I ever asked now.
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