training backstab... on 07/15/2009 07:25 PM CDT
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Currently, I cant get backstab passed 1/34, using the actual backstab verb.

It's been a problem throughout my career thusfar. The only way I can get backstab to move is to ambush bodyparts, and even then it doesn't teach very well.

I've tried multiple weapons, so far to no avail, just looking for a little advice I guess.

currently I use a tago, and a forged sabre for backstab - or a forged katar/forged scimitar for ambushing.

32 agi, 146 backstab, 122 LE, 117 ME - if I ambush, I can get to mind lock on gargs, but actually BACKSTABBING I cant get passed 1/34.


Thanks in advance.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/15/2009 07:36 PM CDT
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go to the sewers and kill thugs/ruffians/footpads
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Re: training backstab... on 07/15/2009 07:46 PM CDT
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Yes, my theory is that backstab is only getting EXP one critter, where as hiding and stalking get EXP bits from everything in the room.

I've noticed that Backstab gets lower levels of EXP vs Weapon, but this can be due to the diff in primary and secondary skills.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: training backstab... on 07/15/2009 07:49 PM CDT
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Light Edged: 123 42% cogitating (24/34)
Hiding: 179 67% engaged (22/34)
Stalking: 178 99% very rapt (31/34)
Backstab: 148 47% perusing (2/34)


Hoping to be able to get it to move like the others are, so I can keep multiple weapons going.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/16/2009 08:12 AM CDT
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yeah, its a common problem. my stabbing is about 40ish ranks ahead of my top weapon as well. So finding the right combination or critter to train it isn't easy. particularly when "not all critters are as perceptive as each other". So i can learn it in raiders along with hiding/stalking - , or only partially learn it in germish'din and learn skinning very nicely -- but no hiding or stalking. Even though to me fighting them the critters are approximately the same degree of difficulty, have the same difficulty in boxes, etc.

Or, I can buff up as much as possible and go hunt celepeze on ratha. and pray i don't get disco'd unhid at melee.

The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/16/2009 08:24 AM CDT
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Well, I think my biggest problem is that, backstab seems to be the best way to move my weapon past 3/34 so I can keep the pulses going in LE/ME, and maybe be able to switch to a third or fourth and keep them all moving.

But it doesn't seem to actually TEACH backstab...I'd say 140 of my 148 or w/e ranks were gained through ambushing body parts. Which teaches backstab great, but doesn't teach weapon very well >.<

It's a catch-22 I guess. I mean gargs are still teaching hide/stalk at 180, so I would imagine they teach backstab that high, no? I still haven't learned the trick to learning backstab by actually backstabbing, if there is one :-/
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Re: training backstab... on 07/16/2009 11:34 AM CDT
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Im also having a really hard time getting backstab moving. 1/34 - 2/34 is about all I can get.

Edit: After reading this thread I went to my new hunting ground and started using ambush on the wind hounds and backstabbing the reavers. I did manage to get my backstab to 7/34 but my light edge only went to 2/34 while backstabbing. Odd how it messes with the XP.

LE 46
Backstab 47
Hiding 76
Stalking 73
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Re: training backstab... on 07/18/2009 09:47 PM CDT
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oafs - n gate xing
beasts - n gate xing
swains - ratha
hatchlings - ratha sewers

listed from lowest to highest, those should get it moving again, I got stuck pretty much exactly those numbers and now im locking again.

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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 02:14 AM CDT
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What about for someone with combats in their 50s?

and what method should I be using? Im finding backstab experience to be horribly low. Its falling way behind.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 12:57 PM CDT
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My problem isn't really learning backstab, my problem is only being able to train backstab through ambushing specific body parts.

I can get backstab mind locked in gargs.

But I can only do it through ambushing...I mean, are there just specific critters that wont move backstab at all through backstabbing? only ambush? (and I don't mean critters you can't backstab IE Fourleggers).

I just don't get it, and it's really kinda driving me nuts.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 05:15 PM CDT
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what is the combat messaging when you're backstabbing gargs?

>stop j'loing up the thread

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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 07:08 PM CDT
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> stalk

You are convinced that your stalking went unobserved.
You move into position to stalk a granite gargoyle when it moves.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Appearing to have lost sight of its target, a granite gargoyle stops advancing.
H> backstab

You slip out of concealment and backstab a granite gargoyle!
< With the speed and temerity of a swooping falcon, you thrust a finely balanced tago at a granite gargoyle. A granite gargoyle fails to evade, taking the full blow. The tago lands a spine-rattling strike that skewers a perfect hole between the shoulder blades (Heart Burn!).
A granite gargoyle grumbles and falls over with a THUD.
[You're nimbly balanced]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]

Apparently gargs stop teaching hide/stalk at 182 - at 186 in hide/stalking and it says I slip out of concealment? I get....

H> stalk

You are convinced that your stalking went unobserved.
You move into position to stalk a granite gargoyle when it moves.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
A granite gargoyle grumbles and stomps about, looking for something.
H> fei left eye

You masterfully position yourself to strike at the granite gargoyle's left eye.
You leap out of hiding and ambush a granite gargoyle, completely surprising it.
< Driving in like an adept combatant, you feint a finely balanced tago at a granite gargoyle. A granite gargoyle attempts to dodge, avoiding only some of the blow. The tago lands a harmless strike to the gargoyle's left eye.
[You're solidly balanced and opponent has slight advantage.]
[Roundtime 1 sec.]

with ambushing...
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 07:11 PM CDT
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Also, getting the same problem with Oafs/Beasts. Went to crossing to test them this morning.

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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 07:34 PM CDT
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hmm.. which gargoyles are you hunting?

I'm thinking you might be outclassing them one way or another... Can't say I spent much time in gargs.. at that level of skill, I was in Aesry hunting snoblins.

>stop j'loing up the thread

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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 08:00 PM CDT
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meh, I don't really wanna go to aesry heh..

I'm currently in gargs out the north gate in crossing, though I'm usually in shard. Came up here to try oafs since someone suggested it.

Could it be my stats? currently 36 agi/reflex, 24 str/stam. At one point I thought it was because I was just one shotting them (90% of my backstabs one shot gargs - not sure what that depends on or what the reprecussions of it are)
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 09:07 PM CDT
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Attacking the eyes doesn't raise the caps by insane amounts anymore. Also, you feinted, did you expect damage?
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 09:47 PM CDT
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please pay attention to what he's saying.

He's having trouble learning from the actual backstab command not the ambush. He's learning well from <attack> <body part>.

Also, he was giving me the combat messaging to show what's going on... and from what I'm seeing it is a little odd that he's not learning backstab from the actual command. From what I can tell, he outclasses gargs by stealth if he's not learning well.... but the skills he's got shouldn't outclass them...

>stop j'loing up the thread

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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 09:52 PM CDT
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Sorry, missed that. Ambush <bodypart> has always capped higher than the backstab command. It was nerfed a bit to lower the cap increase to a more reasonable amount, but ambushing still does raise the cap. Thief 101.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 10:43 PM CDT
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Be that as it may, I've tried the actual backstab command on various different critters to no avail. Frostweavers, Oafs/Beasts, Ogres, Super Rockies, and Swampies - I think that's all I've tried so far <Beyond gargs>. And I still cant get passed 1/34 in backstab, I was hoping the new exp system would change the problem I had but apparently not. I'm going to take Sothios' advice and try swains or snow goblins next.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 11:13 PM CDT
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So I was JUST in the sewers and very disappointed with what I was seeing when backstabbing with my LE.

Using a very nice sword forged by Mekage -

A short sword is a light edged melee-ranged weapon.
The short sword is well suited for backstabbing.

You are certain that it could do:
moderate puncture damage
low slice damage
poor impact damage

You are certain that the sword is reasonably balanced and is poorly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.

Now, I was only getting light and good hits when a week ago I was getting devastating/apoc and one shotting them. I asked around to a few other thieves and they were mentioning seeing the same issues with LE backstabbing.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/19/2009 11:40 PM CDT
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Your issue sounds more like an attack stance problem then what I'm having.

I'm one shotting almost everything I backstab still.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/20/2009 06:26 AM CDT
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gargs stop around that point. you might try stabbing undershard things or death spirits if you get a blessed weapon.

The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
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Re: training backstab... on 07/20/2009 06:30 AM CDT
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if you do try DS, rather than the ones out the North gate <premie> you might try the ones in dunshade basement in riverhaven, and do so at night. they're in a bonus-friendly area for us, and night vs day makes a huge difference. g'luck!

The undead hordes would like to take this moment to remind you that they are quite happy to eat your brains so that you may test new depart.Please consider it.Hugs and kisses, Team Necro.
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