Hekipe's Locksmithery on 01/31/2010 10:07 PM CST
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You might find that chatting with Hekipe will yield some different answers than your average adventurer. In addition, she is amenable to showing the guilded her own personal stock of supplies should you inquire as to their whereabouts. Granted, if you're in poor standing with the Birds, you probably shouldn't bother.


-- GM Tiesse

"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
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Re: Hekipe's Locksmithery on 01/31/2010 11:08 PM CST
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I want to thank you for this. Its sometihing we've asked for a long time. Thank you thank you thank you!


"If Elanthia can survive putting a dragon inside of its molten core, I think it can survive a few black-robed magicians sitting on Gibbet Hill"-<parshift>
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Re: Hekipe's Locksmithery on 02/01/2010 03:21 AM CST
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In my haste to post, I forgot to thank GM Socharis for donating the means for achieving the special something.

Thanks, GM Socharis!

-- GM Tiesse

"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
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Re: Hekipe's Locksmithery on 02/04/2010 09:32 PM CST
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Thank you, thank you, thank you Tiesse and Socharis! This made my night.
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Re: Hekipe's Locksmithery on 02/05/2010 02:33 PM CST
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While I am not much for going to Muspar'i (yet). I think changes like these will make my want to head out there stronger.

And for those of you who didn't get a chance to go out that way there is going to be an IG tribute to the Hav'roth and his positive and negative aspects in Muspar'i on this sunday. The event will have Moongates available and might be an easy way to join some festivities and check out one of our own.

Thanks Tiesse and Socharis for this stuff, really appreciate the effort in continuing to bring some nice things into this world we all already enjoy so much. Please know that I sincerely like so many of these things you guys have been working on.

Seriously, there's no reason to ever go that high aside from sheer laziness. Or a bug that lodges 23982 pieces of shrapnel in you, but...er...yeah.

- GM Dartenian
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