Problem with the "Thief" title on 08/03/2006 12:55 PM CDT
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Since the profession title is acquired at 30th circle, how come it so easy to get it in criminal? I've had the "Thief" title long ago in criminal and since I made 30th last night, I now have access to the professional one.

Why is it so easy to get that one? Shouldn't it be at least twice as many ranks that are needed since at that level of skill you aren't going to be stealing much without cookies besides really small things and getting caught often doing that?

Happiness stems only from violence. - The Stock
It's like putting a band-aid on cancer. - Philip Anselmo
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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 08/03/2006 01:18 PM CDT
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<<Why is it so easy to get that one? Shouldn't it be at least twice as many ranks that are needed since at that level of skill you aren't going to be stealing much without cookies besides really small things and getting caught often doing that?>>

It looks like this title is in the table multiple times.

I'll look into it and consider getting it adjusted.


What's going on?

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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 08/04/2006 01:45 PM CDT
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You're awesome, Bubba : ) Thank you!


Other thiefy titles:
Enigma = thief of high level, high hiding
Scourger = high thief, stealing, high weapons
Pest = lower level thief
Nuisance = lower level thief
Deliquent = low-mid level thief


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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 08/05/2006 06:01 AM CDT
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speaking of titles, i can't choose, 'shadow'

every time i try it makes me 'shadow fighter'

they in same category
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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 09/07/2006 02:05 PM CDT
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pleeeeease dont change the reqs for infiltrator or shadow finally close to getting a bad ass title -Kythien
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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 03:42 PM CDT
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Hey, Bubba, while we're talking about titles, there is one thing I'd like to see. And that is...

A guild requirement for guild-only skill titles.

For example, only Rangers should be able to wear the "Scouting Novice" title. Only Traders should be able to wear "Trading Aficionado" titles. Only Empaths should... you get the idea.

It really bugs me in particular because three-quarters of those who wear titles for guild-only skills belonging to guilds that they're not in... are wearing Backstabbing titles. Heck, I've even seen EMPATHS wearing "Backstabbing Novice" titles!

I know, titles are OOC. But still, there should be some limit to what they can proclaim. Theonly exception to this rule that I can conceive is to let thieves with a pretend guild use the titles for the guild-only skill for the guild they're imitating.

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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 03:44 PM CDT
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Oh, and don't take away the skills.
I don't mind if someone has a rank or two of a skill they're not supposed to have. They managed to earn it somehow, they should be able to keep it. But wearing a title for it should be out of the question unless they have proper access to the skill.

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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 03:49 PM CDT
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>>I know, titles are OOC. Blahmaster

Err...they are? I've never heard that.


Henry II: Now see here, boy...
Philip II: I am a king - I am no man's "boy"!
Henry II: A king? Because you put your ass on purple cushions?
"The Lion in Winter (1968)"

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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 03:50 PM CDT
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>> Err...they are? I've never heard that.<<

Whenever it's convenient for them to be, they sure are.

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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 04:00 PM CDT
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Titles have the unique property of having dual stated (fun quantum mechanics) they are both IC and OOC at the same time. Paradoxes are fun.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 04:10 PM CDT
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I personally don't have a problem with a thief wearing 'targetted magic novice' even though there's no current way for him to train those skills.

I figure that if they know the skill, let 'em have the novice title. It's not like I would suddenly be confused about his guild if Caraamon was wearing the 'Targetted Magic Novice' title.

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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 04:26 PM CDT
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<<I personally don't have a problem with a thief wearing 'targetted magic novice' even though there's no current way for him to train those skills.>>

i have to respectfully disagree on the "no current way ... to train"

Targeted Magic: 132 89% learning


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
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Re: Problem with the "Thief" title on 10/04/2006 04:46 PM CDT
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>i have to respectfully disagree on the "no current way ... to train"

Fair enough, I forgot about teaching. If it were unlearnable, I still wouldn't have a problem with other people using it.

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