Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 10:17 AM CDT
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As part of my ongoing interest in caravans (mechanically and conceptually!), I am hoping to get some information/opinions from Traders. I know this has been asked in the past, but I figured it would help to just get a fresh set of views. I make no promises about what can be delivered, or when, but I would like to hear from players about what you guys feel can be done to improve this system.

So let me know what you want to see more of, or dislike. What is stopping you from using caravans, or what would result in you using them more?
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 10:35 AM CDT
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I would love seeing an interior that contains crafting options.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 11:52 AM CDT
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caravan trading on the islands.

Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other. Eric Burdon
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 02:55 PM CDT
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A couple of things:

1) I would LOVE it if my caravan box could pop up anywhere, much like a Shadow Servant. It's nice having an extra vault, but it's really only useful if I park it in one spot (the Crossing). This could be fun for RP too, to pull out a nice interior room where people could come inside and sit.

2) It would be nice if it weren't a total pain and guilt trip if I forgot to stable my caravan. Right now if you forget, it dies, you get scolded and charged a fee, and if I recall it's a big hassle to get it back to the stable where you want it to be.

3) I would actually try out running routes if the pay were a lot better and I maybe had more options for what to train while doing it. It's currently slow, cumbersome, restricts training, and doesn't pay that well! Right now I just get my money/Trading other ways and use my freedom to train what I want, where I want. Maybe make the payout bigger, but on a cooldown. Or, I don't know, maybe caravan trading could also help build up "reputation" that could be spent in other ways -- that would be an incentive to try it. Finally, I loved Socharis's original plan for commodities trading and would totally play with that.

4) I have been waiting 5+ years for the alterer who alters POC interiors. A few more custom options in shops would be nice at least.

5) I love the idea of the bucket on the outside, but it's a total pain in practice. If you put something in it, you have to wait until it burbles to put the caravan away. Ugh. I stopped using it.

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 07:05 PM CDT
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[fixing formatting]

<rubs hands together>

Oh boy, here's my top 9* list, in priority order:

1. Trading Experience: Create a way to use the caravan to train trading. It doesn't have to be faster than existing methods, but it would be amazing to have your caravan train trading.

2. Crafting: The turn-table should be updated to handle the modern crafting implements. A loom, anvil, cambrinth pyramid, and the like.

3. Travel: Make it move instantly if you have no trading contracts active.

4. Access: I want a way to interact with my caravan box from afar or a way to keep my caravan with me at all times.

5. Hirelings: Hire NPCs to stay with you in your caravan. High level trader ability or even MTX item. Hire a repairer, or an auto-path, or a trade good vendors (consumables you can buy from societies like brushes or yarn).

6. Feeding: Some sort of magical means of feeding your caravan so you don't need to find grass as often.

7. Starlight Aura: I want to install small moongates on the caravan which gives my trader access to starlight aura while I'm underground.

8. Nodes: Turn the caravan interior into a node for exp drain purposes. Always active, or only requires one sacrifice by the trader to activate.

9. Combat ability: I want my caravan to do something offensive or defensive. Maybe run over people on command. For the right price, it should knock them over and make them bleed. [evil laugh]
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 07:38 PM CDT
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Yes to pretty much all of SHIFT3's suggestions.

>>1. Trading Experience: Create a way to use the caravan to train trading.

I assume you meant more exp right?

>>5. Hirelings: Hire NPCs to stay with you in your caravan. High level trader ability or even MTX item. Hire a repairer, or an auto-path, or a trade good vendors (consumables you can buy from societies like brushes or yarn).

Convenient for us, and also a way to bring convenience to customers! Autopath might be a bit too powerful though.

>>6. Feeding: Some sort of magical means of feeding your caravan so you don't need to find grass as often.

FYI there's a magical pouch that generates grass. More access to this pouch might be nice, or other options.

>>7. Starlight Aura: I want to install small moongates on the caravan which gives my trader access to starlight aura while I'm underground.

Even just a skylight inside so we could gain some while traveling/trading!

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 09:32 PM CDT
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>PRIMEQ: I would actually try out running routes if the pay were a lot better and I maybe had more options for what to train while doing it.

Can you expand on this? This was one of my motivations for expanding routes. You can do a number of things while a caravan leads you around (or meet it at the destination).

>PRIMEQ: Finally, I loved Socharis's original plan for commodities trading and would totally play with that.

I am also interested in expanding commodities, but I am uncertain of the best approach to doing so, and will also admit that the system is quite complex behind the scenes, and most importantly, 'works as is'. As it stands, more commodity pits would be useful to make it more amenable to use, but the commodity system does operate, and profits can be earned from it. I have had some ideas borrowed from other games regarding possible means for expanding the commodity system, but they are not even in the proposal stage yet.

>SHIFT3: Trading Experience: Create a way to use the caravan to train trading.

Can you expand on this please?

>SHIFT3: Combat ability

What did you have in mind?

Which province do people find they are principally running caravan routes? I deprioritized updating the routes in Therengia in favor of other projects, but have been meaning to revisit it.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 09:53 PM CDT
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<<As it stands, more commodity pits would be useful to make it more amenable to use, but the commodity system does operate, and profits can be earned from it.

While it technically works, it is severely outdated and doesn't scale well. The profits from commodity trading, while quicker to accrue than regular contract trading, dry up way too soon to be worth doing in the long term. Due to the limits on available inventory for purchase, outpost purchasing limits, and what buying and selling does to the prices, the most you can reasonably expect to earn from a fresh commodities board is around 4-5 plat, and if another Trader is doing it then you aren't even able to make that much. It needs quite a bit of time after the boards dry up to reset back to a point where profit is possible again. And even if you just stock up on cheap items whenever you find them and store, that's still limited by the same stock as above and the storage costs eat into whatever small profits you might be getting out of it.

Contract trading scales far better than commodity trading, which says a lot. I find that contract trading scales well for the first 200-400 or so ranks, but starts to flatline around there.

I get the impression that both of these systems scaled well back when 500 ranks was considered a huge amount of skill that most players wouldn't achieve. Now that 500 ranks is not considered a large amount of skill, however, commodity and contract trading just feel like quaint, outdated systems.

<<I have had some ideas borrowed from other games regarding possible means for expanding the commodity system, but they are not even in the proposal stage yet.

If you're looking for other ideas, there's a game called This Merchant Life that has Trader written all over it. The commodity trading part of it especially is remarkably similar to Dragonrealms. Here's a let's play of it:
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/13/2019 11:44 PM CDT
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>>Can you expand on this? This was one of my motivations for expanding routes. You can do a number of things while a caravan leads you around (or meet it at the destination).

From what I understand, you can juggle, collect(?), perform, work magics, use compendia, and do one of the crafts that lets you carry everything with you (not Forging, not sure about Alchemy/Engineering). That is a fair number, true. But it just takes such a long time to run routes, and I get so much more bang for my buck in combat. I also happen to like to be out in the world harvesting (ore, wood, sigils), and that can't exactly be done while on routes either.

I'm not sure I have a real answer for you here, since obviously it wouldn't make sense to bring combat to the inside of a caravan. But the higher payout, longer cooldown option is one I suggested because it would incentivize me to run a quick route in between other things.

Even better, give me a high-danger, high-payout situation. Maybe I have to navigate a political stand-off with my Trading skill and a minigame, bolstered by Luck. Maybe I'm just sent through a dangerous area or slide down a hill. Maybe I have to ford a river, or someone gets dysentery. ;)

>>I am also interested in expanding commodities, but I am uncertain of the best approach to doing so, and will also admit that the system is quite complex behind the scenes, and most importantly, 'works as is'.

This is true, but, frankly, it's kind of boring as is. There are only three cities, and there's literally no factor other than "buy low in city X, sell high in city Y." Maybe you can stockpile some supplies for later, I don't recall. My suggestion here would be, if you're really interested, to just build a separate but much more fun commodities system. You can always turn the old one off when it's ready.

>>Which province do people find they are principally running caravan routes?

I don't actually do it, but from what I heard it's nearly impossible in Qi. Therengia is a pain due to the long distances between places like Haven and Muspar'i. I don't know if Hib even exists? Mostly I've heard of people doing Zoluren and Ilithi.

- Navesi

The First Land Herald -- Zoluren's newspaper.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 03:25 AM CDT
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I love the idea of caravans moving with us instantly when there is no active contract. Though if we are going to want the caravans to stick around with us for longer I'd also suggest increasing the time between the caravan needing to feed. Feeding the caravan should be more a flavor thing, in my opinion, then a chore.

I agree with almost everything LCAMP said about commodity trading. The only thing I'd add is the only benefit to commodity trading that exists right now is if you are willing to take a loss(and spam up the pit room) it can train trading pretty fast.

<< I find that contract trading scales well for the first 200-400 or so ranks, but starts to flatline around there.>>

To the best of my knowledge contract trading doesn't scale at all with ranks or stats. It is scaled based on circle and that alone determines what you end up with for profits. Maaaaaaaaaybe when the luck system was put in that also weights you to the top end of your circle scale, but I've never tested it. There was a chart someone made to test contract profits but I can't seem to find it anymore. Though...sorta pedantic since it's gonna most likely be trading ranks that hold ones circle back so...

Overall I think the focus should be on making caravans something more tied to the Trader, easier to use, and with more reasons to use it. I don't think it's useful to make contract trading better.

The issues for me with contract trading is I feel less like a Trader and more like a unionized truck driver. Contract trading as it stands just doesn't feel like it jives with the class fantasy. It's a very non-interactive system and adding more skills I can script while contract running or making the pay out better isn't going to help that. It is slow but more importantly feels slow. Crafting is also very non-interactive and so command intensive it also requires scripting but at least it doesn't feel as slow as contracts do. It also makes me feel very tied to the game. As in if I get distracted or need to attend something in RL I can just log. But with contracts I don't bother to start because I feel like I need to complete my held contracts before I can do that.

I'm 100% down with say totally re-writing the contract system from the ground up. I have several ideas and suggestions for what that would look like but none of them really even resembles what it is today. I want to feel like a Trader doing Trader things from day 1 not just when I get lucky enough to grab up a store. I don't wanna be a truck driver. I also know that a full rewrite is most likely not in the cards so to me it's seems like the wrong path to spend much time trying to prop contracts trading up.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 06:16 AM CDT
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<<To the best of my knowledge contract trading doesn't scale at all with ranks or stats. It is scaled based on circle and that alone determines what you end up with for profits.

I'm pretty sure it scales with charisma and trading skill. I don't know if circle factors into it directly or not. Back when I was still an active trader I defintely noticed differences as my trading skill went up, and my trading was well ahead of my circle mostly because I pretty much only ever did contract trading and was only ever held back from circling by armor ranks. Full disclosure: this was before new crafting and work orders were a thing, so stuff may have changed a lot.

<<Contract trading as it stands just doesn't feel like it jives with the class fantasy. It's a very non-interactive system and adding more skills I can script while contract running or making the pay out better isn't going to help that. It is slow but more importantly feels slow. Crafting is also very non-interactive and so command intensive it also requires scripting but at least it doesn't feel as slow as contracts do.

I actually really like contract trading and dislike crafting and work orders. I like the simplicity of contract trading, but I do agree that it is a very one dimensional system right now and the things that are punishing in it are punishing in the wrong way.

<<It also makes me feel very tied to the game. As in if I get distracted or need to attend something in RL I can just log. But with contracts I don't bother to start because I feel like I need to complete my held contracts before I can do that.

This being one of those ways. Contract trading is something that you need to devote hours to if you want to get anywhere with it and a single contract ties you to it for anywhere from 10-30 minutes. More if you're doing inter-province trading. It would be nice if there was stuff you could do to adjust your experience.

Some ideas:

-you could apply for an extension on delivery to give you more time to deliver a contract if you need to log out at the expense of reducing your profit. Or the timer could stop counting down if you exit the game. Or they would still accept an expired contract but at cost.
-you could add a command to have the caravan finish up any contracts for you and then stable itself. The contracts are only turned in at cost since the profits go to the driver instead. The next time you get your caravan from the stable your driver hands you the funds.
-Get rid of the storage warehouse and add it to stables with smaller and simplified storage fees (e.g. if you have crates on your caravan it costs a slightly higher flat rate to retrieve your caravan) so that you can just store your caravan whenever you want.
-Add a command to caravans so that they will stable themselves.
-Add a command to stables to have them transfer your caravan between stables. If there is no crates or commodities on it then the transfer is quite quick and if there are crates then it takes some time.
-Have caravans move a lot faster if there are no crates or commodities on it. Either instant follow or even better multi-room follow like with fams, shadow servants, pets, etc.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 06:40 AM CDT
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I would like to see commodity pits in other provinces. A few years ago when the trader advocate was talking with us, she mentioned that the system never was completed. I did try commodity trading briefly, but the boards seemed to be a bit counter-intuitive to me. That might be just me, though: Other traders have reported successfully using them.

About contract value: I've also noticed that I got more valuable contracts as my experience increased, and it didn't seem directly tied to stats. That's why it's harder for a new trader to turn a profit than a higher-level one.

About the route expansions: I love them! Is there a chance the Therengian routes can receive such attention?

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 08:16 AM CDT
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> I assume you meant more exp right?

>> Can you expand on this please?

Yeah, I see why this was confusing. What I'm talking about is a verb you can use anytime you and your caravan are in the same room which gives you a small burst of trading experience. Some ideas and other parallels based on existing abilities or actions or awesomeness:

- Whistle concussive => feed caravan. Get a small burst of trading experience when you feed your caravan.

- Appraise Focus Caravan => Works just like today, but instead gives the trader trading experience in addition to appraisal experience.

- Haggle caravan => Works like summon admittance. You can do it anytime. It puts you in a sitting position. Gives you a small burst of trading experience (2/34)

- Analyze caravan => Works like whistle piercing. Gives you a decent burst of trading experience. No RT move, maybe takes a little starlight aura to perform. ("light up the caravan, inspecting for flaws or imperfections)

- Listen caravan => Works like teaching. The caravan driver will teach you some tips and tricks of the road.

- Turn caravans into portable financed shops and access to your player owned shop. You can enter the private room, deposit or withdraw coins, check for purchases, withdraw pouches, maybe remotely check the status of your shop (balance and ledger). Every action has a small cool down (a couple minutes), and it teaches a bit of trading experience when you do it (5% of your pool for each action). If you're doing this every 10 minutes or so, you could theoretically keep trading locked indefinitely.

- Use the hirelings. You gain trading experience for being in the same room as your hireling. Whether that's an NPC empath, vendor, whatever. Maybe you have to use a "Supervise" verb which puts them in a passive mode. You have some RP messaging, minor fluff, coffee and donuts, and you lecture them on customer service like any good micromanager.

> What did you have in mind?

New speculates (because traders need more non-magical abilities). Abilities using starlight aura / starlight availability as the limiting factor, and all of these could be modified by and teach a bit of trading (because ...

- Speculate defense - aka Circle the Wagons: Create phantasmal copies of your caravan which continuously circle around you. Spells and ranged weapons have a chance of hitting the copy instead of you, destroying the copy. Think an ablative Elision with a physical component (caravan) and charges rather than a continual starlight aura drain.

- Speculate spook - aka Spook the Horses: Create an illusion of the horses running wild, potentially causing creatures in the room to collapse. Fear-based attack causing a knock-down effect.

- Speculate trap - aka Honeypot: Create an illusion of a broken down caravan, a weak and inviting target. Summons 1-4 "rogues" which are flex mobs. Think cutthroats or louts, but flex to the trader who summoned them, very high chance to drop boxes and gems. The caravan continually taunts them to the trader, and they despawn if the trader leaves the room. Does not work in a justice zone. The effect goes off, but they're not summoned. Instead, you're charged with disturbing the peace and there's a message saying the guards quickly rushed in and took care of the threat.

- Speculate intimidate - aka Clown Car or Caravan: Summon an illusionary group of guards which emerge from the caravan which try and intimidate anyone who threatens the trader. Think innocence, but it works on undead and not natural creatures, is weakened but not broken by physical attacks, and it has a steeper check.

> I am also interested in expanding commodities, but I am uncertain of the best approach to doing so

- Remove the buy/sell timer, but add in a grace period for purchases. If you buy a commodity in a pit, you can sell it back to that pit for .95 of the purchase price for an hour after your purchase. This is to allow flexibility without potentially creating a massive amount of plat due to a math bug or clever trader script.

- Greatly increase the volume of commodities in a pit and the range at which pits will buy them. Some pits will never generate certain commodities. Eg: Leth may never create diamonds which makes them a perfect seller of diamonds.

- Make pits always buy back commodities, but at .95 of the floor if they're "capped".

- Add commodity pits to all provinces, at least 3 per.

- Change ceiling / floor for commodities. Each commodity would have it's own ceiling and floor for a specific pit, heavily weighted by province. Traders may want to build caravan routes from theren (low prices on diamonds) to leth (no diamond production, continually a high price).

- Tie prices into the rumor system. Rumors will cause "runs" which traders are alerted to if they have a certain ability up. (spell?)

- Let transfers work FROM a stable rather than only TO a stable. I can be in theren, buy a bunch of local commodities. Go to a stable, transfer my caravan to leth (same fee), hunt for a half-hour, then go to leth and pick it up, sell, buy for theren, rinse, repeat. Makes travel more important, and opens up alternative trading experience options. This should teach enough to keep trading moving the entire time. You learn on transfer, you learn on buy, you learn on sell.

- Tie commodity experience reward to the value of the commodities bought and sold. Right now, it's tied to the act of selling, buying so it's only viable as a training method if you move literally hundreds of commodities one at a time.

> Which province do people find they are principally running caravan routes? I deprioritized updating the routes in Therengia in favor of other projects, but have been meaning to revisit it.

I have literally not run a caravan in Theren in over 15 years. I have never run one on the islands because... islands. The barge took too long then, and it's tainted my view ever since. Shard and crossing are the primary routes IMO. I suspect most other traders (save for that one in Ratha) would likely agree that this time would be better spent elsewhere. The changes already made are fantastic and solve the caravan route problems.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 08:30 AM CDT
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> About contract value: I've also noticed that I got more valuable contracts as my experience increased

It seems to be tied to circle with either benchmarks or hard caps. Charisma may help a little bit, and same for trading ranks, but circle seems to be the key. Around 130ish, I'm seeing 19-26 copper per second, depending on how long I've been running the routes. That's not bad, but it's also no where near what I'd see as a combat class. If a single pelt is worth 2.5 gold base, and you're killing and skinning only once every minute, then you're seeing a base value of twice what a trader would get, at level, while training 5x the skills.

But wait, there's more, if you're hunting slightly under level, and using arrange all, then you could easily see 2-3 kills a minute + arrange values. That's 1.2 silver a second without even considering the trader bonus (because bonuses). 5x the return. Traders trying to earn money should not be running caravans. They should be hunting even as combat terts. Traders only run caravans to circle, and it slows down progression everywhere else. I'd love to see that fixed.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 11:54 AM CDT
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<<Around 130ish, I'm seeing 19-26 copper per second,

That seems even lower than expected to me, since that's only 7-9 plat per hour. I was seeing profits of that much with far less stats, skill and circle. Here's my most recent IP contract with relevant stats:

Circle: 55
Trading: 363 19% thinking (5/34) (This is enough for circle 67 for reference)
Cost: 20077 kronar
Sold: 36680 dokoras (50801 kronar)
Profit: ~30000 kronar once ferry and loading fees are accounted for.
Time to complete: ~20 minutes (I don't have timestamps in my log unfortunately, but this is the typical time it takes to travel from Crossing to Shard.)
Average profit: 9 plat per hour. This is slightly more than with local contract trading, but not that much.

The broker plucks a contract from the hands of a passing clerk and hands it to you. "Here we go," she says, "We have charged you the wholesale price of 15249 Kronars for the goods, the receiving guild will pay you full price! Therein lies profit! Also I will charge you 4828 in dues which are owed to this guild, for a total of 20077."

The shipment clerk accepts your contract and peruses it. "Ah, yes," he smiles. "We did order this, didn't we?" With a quick snap of his fingers, he calls for an assistant to help you unload your merchandise for his inspection.

The shipment clerk carefully looks through the inventory which his assistant has placed on a counter.

The shipment clerk finds everything in order with your merchandise. "Marvelous!" he says, handing you your payment of 36680 Dokoras.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 11:58 AM CDT
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I forgot to add:

Charisma : 45
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 06:08 PM CDT
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So... there's a bug somewhere. Here are a few samples of some of the most expensive contracts in Zoluren, all given in dirge, destined for Leth. I don't see the payment, but it's generally a similar % of the contract price. The contract in shard is making twice as much as the best contract path in crossing at half the circle.

This is a contract from dirge to leth when I had 430 in trading, 74 charisma + 7 (5 finesse, 2 ring)

> The minister plucks a contract from the hands of a passing clerk and hands it to you.

> "Here we go," she says, "We have charged you the wholesale price of 4561 Kronars for the goods, the receiving guild will pay you full price! Therein lies profit! Also I will charge you 1310 in dues which are owed to this guild, for a total of 5871." The minister then nods and adds, "Good luck, Tellel."

This is a contract from dirge to leth when I had 550 in trading, 75 charisma, finesse on. I didn't see the + in my logs.

> The minister plucks a contract from the hands of a passing clerk and hands it to you.

> "Here we go," she says, "We have charged you the wholesale price of 8853 Kronars for the goods, the receiving guild will pay you full price! Therein lies profit! Also I will charge you 2735 in dues which are owed to this guild, for a total of 11588."

This is a contact from dirge to leth when I had 750 in trading, 75 charisma. +17 charisma, 15 from finesse and 2 from a ring.

The minister plucks a contract from the hands of a passing clerk and hands it to you.

"Here we go," she says, "We have charged you the wholesale price of 9396 Kronars for the goods, the receiving guild will pay you full price! Therein lies profit! Also I will charge you 2925 in dues which are owed to this guild, for a total of 12321."
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 06:36 PM CDT
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Are you comparing your 3 contracts with the one I listed directly? That's an apples and oranges comparison unfortunately. Dirge to Leth is a local contract, while mine was Crossing to Shard which will be worth quite a bit more due to needing to take longer to deliver and not being able to do multiple contracts along the way.

I've searched my logs for local contracts to get a better comparison, but unfortunately, I only have a few of them archived and all of them were IP contract trading. I used to trade in P5 mostly and want to say I was getting roughly 6 plat kronar per hour after the conversion. So about 2/3 the profit of IP contracts, but with much more flexibility if I wanted to stop.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 09:22 PM CDT
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Ohhh, you're doing international contracts. Yeah, I missed that. I may give it a shot, but I'm not sure if the effort is worth it due to how much more plat you can earn from combat.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 09:57 PM CDT
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Posting with all the disclaimers about what may be coming or when. And also, mostly spitballing with you all.

Commodities -

A number of other trading simulation games have similar things in place, always boiling down to 'buy low when RNG drifts below base, sell high when RNG drifts above base'. Ultimately, and to quote another GM I was chatting with about this system, the whole thing operates as a hedge against future favorable RNG drift (with some glibness about realism included). Many games tie this to other things in an effort to more accurately simulate realism ("Fires in the hinterlands reduce the lumber harvest, cost of timber is higher!" or "Excellent growing season results in a surplus of grain, wheat at an all time low!"). The reason I say I am uncertain of how to address commodities (assuming we crack that nut open at all), is that I feel you can delve dangerously deep in 'reality simulation' without much benefit of enjoyable or playable return for it. Currently, the system allows you to check RNG drifting commodities, buy some, sell some, and store your purchased commodities in your caravan. If you want to take the time to hit the pits on your pass through places that have them, you can.

The handful of games I have seen that have commodity trading generally do not add anything particularly interesting to it. A few games have done something different that ends up being a little more interesting, in my view, but admittedly only insofar as mixing the process up, in a way that perhaps more closely resembles what we have in place for contract trading. If you have any ideas for ways to make commodity trading interesting in a manner that does not A ) require accurately modeling real, dynamic market complexity, or B ) spin gold from straw, at zero risk, then please, expand and share!

But note that short of tweaking some timers or adding pits to other locations, I had not planned on proposing any significant changes to commodities or rewriting the entire system from scratch. One thing I think I/we generally want to avoid is the notion of 'milk runs' - contracts already sort of cover that, and we should not render one system invalid because an optimal consistent commodities route is always capable of churning out profit (i.e., "Buy iron in Stone Clan, sell it to Crossing and buy tools, sell them in Tiger Clan and buy furs, repeat").

The one game I have seen put a somewhat compelling spin on commodities trading was Sunless Skies, though in conversation with some people about it, I realized that it was simply 'contract Trading where you had to procure the goods you then sold at a designated location'.

Caravan Updates -

Some of the ideas floated are interesting and sparked some additional ideas. Again, without promising anything or spoilering other staff work, I will say that there have been a handful of proposals that involve expansions to caravans in various ways that touch on some of the notions posted above. From a personal note, I feel encouraging more Traders to make use of caravans is a good thing, especially if it can be done in a way to also enhance interaction with other players.

Contracts -

As a general request, could people who are running contracts and who feel like sharing information let me know the following: Which province are you running contracts, approximately how much profit is generated from 1 hour of contract running (projected or actual), what is your trading/circle, and approximate time to lock Trading? Again, without promising anything, I am interested in gathering data to ascertain whether we should adjust some numbers.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 10:56 PM CDT
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<<As a general request, could people who are running contracts and who feel like sharing information let me know the following: Which province are you running contracts, approximately how much profit is generated from 1 hour of contract running (projected or actual), what is your trading/circle, and approximate time to lock Trading? Again, without promising anything, I am interested in gathering data to ascertain whether we should adjust some numbers.

I already answered quite a bit of this earlier, but I'll include it here again with the other answers.

Province: Forfedhar (I'm basing this off of memory since I don't have logs of this anymore. My earliest log shows these stats/circle so it's roughly correct at any rate.)
Profit: ~6 plat kronar/hour
Circle: 51
Trading: 314
Charisma: 41
Time to lock: Depends on the contracts, but roughly after about an hour of trading. It never drops below 1 after getting that first contract completed, which is the more important thing.

Province: Interprovincial
Profit: ~9 plat kronar/hour
Circle: 55
Trading: 363
Charisma: 45
Time to lock: It will typically lock after the second contract. Third if you're unlucky and get 3 Haven-Crossing contracts in a row. Experience here is quite a bit larger than local contracts and pulses for a while after completing the contract to help keep it moving on the long trips.

More details:
For local contracts, P5 is my province of choice. It's by far the simplest for getting around. Interprovincial contracts are my favorite type of contracts though. I hate trading in P2 since there are way too many chokepoints and it is far too easy to run out of time if you don't go directly between outposts in some cases. P1 is a decent place to run contracts. I used to train in P3, but stopped for some reason I can remember. It was something like profits were too small or the Shadow Clan outpost made it more of a pain or something. I've never traded in P4, but I can't imagine it would be worth doing if it's even possible.

One other thing I've noted is that until you reach about circle 5, it can actually be a loss to run contracts in many cases even if you know what you're doing. The profit per contract isn't high enough to offset travel and caravan costs unless you are efficient with managing your contract routes and do it for at least an hour or two, and if you're still trying to figure out the system you'll likely end up losing money. This isn't a major thing since we're talking around a couple gold at most really, but it is a barrier to entry for someone new to trading.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/14/2019 11:35 PM CDT
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> (assuming we crack that nut open at all)

Alright, huge caveat here. I like commodities, a lot. I like the concept. I've always found them fun from the late 90s to today. I've had spreadsheets to track drift, and I think I would have enjoyed a more complicated system. It's not really profitable as is, but it's enjoyable and that's kind of what I want in my games.

Having said that, please don't turn this into the hill for the current GMs to die on. There have been some amazing changes recently, and I'd love to see more incremental shifts which add functionality than a potential GM killer system which never sees the light of day (see bardic lore changes or barrier changes as an example).

Assuming that this became the sole reason for living for some poor GM and it made it out, then what? Other overly complex systems tend to take literal decades to complete, and then they're just scripted because the player doesn't want to make mistakes or they want to be efficient or there's too much for one person to keep right all the time. Lots of reasons, but that depth is lost due to someone running ;commodity or .commodity a single player wrote.

I'd vote for more QOL changes, new abilities, or shorter projects which see the light of day (RIP crowds and bardic abilities and ...)

> As a general request, could people who are running contracts and who feel like sharing information let me know the following: Which province are you running contracts, approximately how much profit is generated from 1 hour of contract running (projected or actual), what is your trading/circle, and approximate time to lock Trading? Again, without promising anything, I am interested in gathering data to ascertain whether we should adjust some numbers.

So this is tricky. It takes at least 30 minutes to "start earning profit" since you need multiple contracts for those fat "everyone wants to send to this one outpost" paydays. One outpost to one outpost isn't that profitable. It's also difficult because it takes another 30 minutes to wind down or when you see all contracts are heading to the same place, and you just stop there because it's easier.

That said, here are my latest stats from several hours of running..

Circle: 130
Trading: 780
Appraisal: 800
Charisma: 75 + 17
Profit: 19-26 copper/s (6.84 - 9.36 platinum kronars / hr). It starts slow, ramps up, then ramps back down at the end.
Province: Zoluren

I make way more platinum hunting, even with my crappy weapon skills compared to armor or survival. The only reason to do caravans is to stretch out trading xp with REXP while training something other than crafts 24/7 (caravans let you use lockpicking boxes or climbing ropes while still learning trading).

> I feel encouraging more Traders to make use of caravans is a good thing, especially if it can be done in a way to also enhance interaction with other players

Looking forward to it.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 12:08 AM CDT
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Oh, I totally just remembered why I stopped trading in P3. You couldn't tell your caravan to lead you to the outposts, so it was bad for training other things while you did the run. I think that may have changed in the recent update, so it's probably a good place to train now.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 07:02 AM CDT
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Hey, LCAMP! Yes, Ilithi does have a full set of trading routes now. You will have to lead from the Gondola to Fayrin's Rest if you're coming from Zoluren, but everything else works without any glitches.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 12:49 PM CDT
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I decided to run it today, and I removed all of my extraneous xp routines. This is 100% trading, trying to maximize contracting profit. Good news is it seems to be slightly higher than my last numbers (another plateau?). Bad news is that it's still no where near what I can make farming plat by hunting, even without dedicated alts.

Circle: 131
Trading: 782
Charisma: 75 + 17
Appraisal: 800

- Average profit per hour: 10.87
- Total time: 4.5 hours
- Average profit per second: 30.2 copper / second

Detailed break down:

First hour: Picked up caravan. Terrible RNG due to startup costs and contract locations.
- Profit four hour 1: 3.5406 plat (9.8 copper / second)
- 10 contracts completed, 5 outstanding
- Average 0.3540 platinum each

2nd hour: Much better, although a bit high due to the preloaded contracts on the caravan from hour 1 and multiple contracts to the same location
- Profit: 19.6659 plat (53 copper / second)
- 12 contracts completed, 3 outstanding
- average 1.63 platinum each

3rd hour: Lucky runs. Two grouped deliveries to stone and leth.
- Profit: 14.0456 plat (32 copper / second)
- 7 contracts completed, 1 outstanding
- Average 2.0065 plat each

4th hour: Low-value, spread all over.
- Profit: 3.4381 plat (9.5 copper/second)
- 8 contracts completed, 2 outstanding
- Average: 0.4295 per contract

It took me a little over 30 minutes to wrap up the caravans since one was in leth. Both contracts were worth about 8.24 plat in total.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 02:52 PM CDT
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Can you tell me what the Trading experience gain was like across those four hours?

Can you describe your routine for contract running?

This is good information. Thanks!
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 03:36 PM CDT
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Trading experience was slow to start, but then it was basically locked for the entire time. I try to do crafts such as outfitting and enchanting along the route, saving up for WOs later. I could try to weave in work orders for a few extra coins; however, that's a lot of work, and I'm inherently lazy :)

On the flip side, this does offer traders an interesting option to stretch out REXP. Its not ideal since combat is so prevalent in both reqs and game experience, but I can gain about 30% more trading experience per day at the cost of not progressing on the combat side and reducing plat generation. (counter intuitive, but there you go).


1. Start in the nearest outpost, most often leth or crossing.
2. If arthe or stone, head out that route, else head to wolf and start the big loop there on the way to dirge, stopping at every outpost on the way.
3. At dirge, repeat the path back heading out to tiger and wolf.
4. Repeat the wolf -> dirge route until I have 3+ leth contracts or a leth contract is within 30 minutes of expiration.
5. Head to leth, grab a contract, and go back to 1.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 03:43 PM CDT
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8-12 contracts sounds correct per hour for Zoluren to me. If you always head down to the end of the Wolf and Dirge branches collecting contracts along the way as able in each outpost and only going to Leth when you have at least 3 contracts there you will almost always have 3-4 active contracts going at one time making for very efficient delivery.

E.g. Just as an example, if you start in the crossing and get a stone clan contract, you first head to arthe which might give you a tiger clan one. You then continue to stone clan to deliver your first contract which might give you a wolf one. You now have a tiger and a wolf contract, but instead of heading back to Crossing on your way to tiger and wolf at this point you should still continue on to dirge to pick one up there. It's a strong chance that it will be one back along the route you're going to be travelling anyway (i.e. Stone, Arthe, Crossing) and the other option (i.e. Leth) gives you the biggest profit margin from Dirge to Leth for that big burst of profit when you get enough contracts there. It's much more efficient to always go to the end of the branches unless you both already have a contract from there and don't have any to deliver. That's very unlikely if you're doing it this way, though.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 04:26 PM CDT
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> You now have a tiger and a wolf contract, but instead of heading back to Crossing on your way to tiger and wolf at this point you should still continue on to dirge to pick one up there.

I don't know if this was meant for me or just general info, but this is what I'm doing and meant by big loop. Wolf -> Dirge -> Wolf, hitting each outpost I pass. Good call out on the inefficiency as we could skip about 10 rooms in arthe and 15 or so in crossing in the case that we have a contract from that outpost and no contracts to that outpost. I don't think it's making a huge difference, but every little bit, right?
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 04:35 PM CDT
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<<I don't know if this was meant for me

Naw, I hadn't seen your post when I started typing that. It looks like Koror edited his question to remove the part about the number of contracts you listed seeiming high, which is what I was responding to. It definitely looks like I was responding directly to you with that edit. :D

<<Wolf -> Dirge -> Wolf, hitting each outpost I pass.

That's the same thing as me, just said in different ways. :) I always start with the Dirge branch though since it's more contracts. I.e. Dirge branch, Wolf branch, repeat, head to Leth branch only when 3+ contracts. I'll add that this is where I tend to end my runs since it's the most likely spot to have nothing but contracts for that outpost.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/15/2019 09:52 PM CDT
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I did edit out a sentence once I thought about a thing for a second - sorry for the confusion.

I think I have the data I need. If you have additional thoughts or further ideas for features to add to caravans or contracts or commodities, please post them. It sounds like there is a combination of issues that make people seek out alternative means for earning coin and training Trading.

I suppose I should kick at financing next. :)
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/18/2019 07:57 PM CDT
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Commodities: -Some type of new ledger, or perhaps updating our current ledger, which shows a history and prices of commodities that we purchase and sell. (on this date, you bought 50 applies for 30 kronar each, on this date you
sold 50 applies for 47 kronar each) And then further breaks down profits/losses for each type of commodity. Throw in a round time while study/analyzing it, and let it train a trading based on total profits made,
with an appropriate cooldown.
-Would it also be possible to include financing options at newly created commodity pits? perhaps add items created in the crafting/harvesting system that can be sold at these pits by anyone (to make the financing
system work and alter the price drifts based on supply/demand).
-This one might be OP....hirelings to check prices at other commodity pits.

Combat: -guard hireling: creates a place to safely flee when things get nasty hunting. updated trader 'flee' command-you bolt inside to the safety of your caravan and it's guards protect you (prevents critters from coming in)
-archer hireling (periodically snipes any critters from the safety of some makeshift turret on the caravan) perhaps have the hirelings be based on circle. 20-50-bow, 50-100 crossbow, 100+ ballista or onager with area
damage, who knows.
-speculate stampede: spooks your caravan animals into stampeding the entire room, trampling all creatures.
-Mobile Starlight collector/storage.
trading: -have luck play a part in contract prices, perhaps some purchaseable astrolabes for the caravan interiors
-As mentioned earlier, crafting options! forges and looms. maybe a hireling to turn in work orders. So we pick up a workorder in town delivering a contract, work on the workorder as we make our rounds, and send the
hireling to turn it in (reduced income to pay for the hireling).
-I always think it would be cool, allthough I doubt it would hardly ever be used...allow our caravans to function as a 'mobile market stall' outside of cities/towns/justice zones.
-More destinations, and even 'event' type contracts. If I remember correctly, this was done when the temple was rebuilt. Example: 2 weeks before an MT event, a staging area is created and contracts issues to deliver
the needed supplies. Doesn't just have to be MT events, just using it as an example.
-ranger-type trails for caravans, usable when certain circle/trader rank is reached
-caravan speed dependent upon weight/amount of items it is hauling, and type of road it is on. Speed boost on Trade Routes for example, slower going through brooks and wildland paths.
-Island Trading via a trading ship would be cool, but I imagine the amount of work to make that system happen is a pipedream.
-New Caravan Type: Passenger carriages. Want to go to that cool fest/event/thing but its so far away and there's no moons up? Hire a trader to get you there in luxury and style!

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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/18/2019 08:53 PM CDT
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One more suggestion...the ability, through potency crystals, to upgrade our ledgers to an almanac for ONLY trading?
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/18/2019 10:15 PM CDT
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> One more suggestion...the ability, through potency crystals, to upgrade our ledgers to an almanac for ONLY trading?

Ledgers should definitely teach trading.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/19/2019 12:25 AM CDT
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> One more suggestion...the ability, through potency crystals, to upgrade our ledgers to an almanac for ONLY trading?

Ledgers should definitely teach trading.

I think they currently do, it's just abysmal
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/19/2019 07:27 AM CDT
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>>Ledgers should definitely teach trading.

>>I think they currently do, it's just abysmal

Yes, and yes. It's suitable for low ranks, but a more experienced trader would need other training avenues.

Player of...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/19/2019 01:29 PM CDT
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>1. Start in the nearest outpost, most often leth or crossing.
>2. If arthe or stone, head out that route, else head to wolf and start the big loop there on the way to dirge, stopping at every outpost on the way.
>3. At dirge, repeat the path back heading out to tiger and wolf.
>4. Repeat the wolf -> dirge route until I have 3+ leth contracts or a leth contract is within 30 minutes of expiration.
>5. Head to leth, grab a contract, and go back to 1.

This is how I coded my script I haven't used in 10 years, though I'm not sure I coded for leth contract expiration. I THINK I did.

More specifically, I know my travel flow was to start in Crossing, head north, stopping along the way, then south back to Crossing and then west to Wolf and back. Each and every time it stopped in Crossing it'd check for 3 Leth contracts. I don't recall whether I'd coded up a time check for Leth contracts. I THINK I did.

>Good call out on the inefficiency as we could skip about 10 rooms in arthe and 15 or so in crossing in the case that we have a contract from that outpost and no contracts to that outpost. I don't think it's making a huge difference, but every little bit, right?

Yeah, I did code to check at Tiger Clan to see whether Wolf Clan could be skipped, and the same at Stone Clan to see if it was necessary to go to Dirge.

One thing I did want to do but never got around to it before halting caravan running was scripting up interprovs into the mix when doing a Dirge (Haven) or Leth (Shard) run.

Alright, I'm now motivated to come out of caravan retirement to see what it's like at 170th.

>I suppose I should kick at financing next. :)

Yes, please. I want to get more of the 160% of appraisal cake I can claim as my own.

Naniaki Felyran

"I have faith in the current crop of GMs to not screw people over"

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/19/2019 02:25 PM CDT
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So I've been doing a lot of caravan work recently on Quillith, not to mention lots of time spent with the new magic system. I think we're really approaching a good place, but there's a lot of old systems that don't really work together, and I think the best focus should be on bringing our mechanics back to a place where they're working together, and bringing us Traders back to civilization.

For example, caravans and gem pouches are both great ways of training Trading, but you can't really do both at the same time. Similarly, POSs earn money, but don't really teach Trading at all. Others have talked about letting people sell pouches/bundles to caravans and shops, and I'm fully in agreement there. Even if there's just a reason to walk my caravan over to a social room and hang around for a while that would be a great improvement. The gem appraisers are poor places for socializing.

Player-owned shops - These suffer greatly from the limits in Crossing, but I don't think the only solution would be to increase the number of Crossing slots. Riverhaven and Shard are great real-estate that can't be accessed by F2P players, and I think that's counterproductive. I'm not sure how hard this would be, but if there was, say, a periodic transportation between the markets in Crossing/Haven/Shard that gave limited visas for F2P people to enter those plazas, then it would revitalize markets north and south. Cheaper merchandise could migrate to the cheaper real-estate naturally.

Starlight and all assorted magic is awesome. It seems like the experiment was a success, and we could go more into that. Personally, I'd give up Survival secondary for Magic secondary, but that's just me. Starlight Collector definitely seems to need some love, especially since in theory it's a great way to get us indoors to fleece customers, and I know others have suggested letting it work with caravans. (Heck, a skylight also works)
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/19/2019 07:03 PM CDT
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> Starlight and all assorted magic is awesome. It seems like the experiment was a success, and we could go more into that. Personally, I'd give up Survival secondary for Magic secondary, but that's just me. Starlight Collector definitely seems to need some love, especially since in theory it's a great way to get us indoors to fleece customers, and I know others have suggested letting it work with caravans. (Heck, a skylight also works)

You know, I don't want to give up survival and armor secondary. It's a unique niche. Instead, I'd rather a new lore prime/secondary perk. Lore itself has always been a red-headed stepchild since the beginning, seen more as a penalty tacked onto magic guilds for having access to magic. This changed a bit with crafting, but crafting perks and general usefulness have been quickly losing ground to MTX.

Lore needs something. Maybe it's an REXP buff. Maybe it's something like warrior mages or clerics who have "cheats" to get the perks of secondaries they don't have (SOL/AEG giving larger arm-worn shields). Maybe it's something as simple as a daily ability to get some bonus bits in a skillset of their choice. Maybe it's something new.

> It seems like the experiment was a success, and we could go more into that.

I think it was a good start. There's a lot of room for improvements to trader magic. Clerics have 22 spells. Roughly half of those have little to no practical use in PvE. They're PvP spells or just trainers or otherwise so limiting as to be near worthless for everyday play. Enrichment, regalia, bespoke regalia, AVTA, starcrash, elision, stellar collector, MOM, TURI, and nonchallance all fit this category for various reasons.

I feel like I need to defend this a bit as it may be controversial, so I'm going to make a different post talking about trader magic.

That said, I think we have a lot of solid spells and the bread and butter toolkit is nice. The theme and atmosphere is absolutely on point.
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Re: Canvasing about Caravans! on 09/19/2019 09:38 PM CDT
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>I think I have the data I need. If you have additional thoughts or further ideas for features to add to caravans or contracts or commodities, please post them. It sounds like there is a combination of issues that make people seek out alternative means for earning coin and training Trading.

Well, I can say that limited testing as a 170th gave some profit. My first ever interprov had a 17.95 plat Kronar profit, when accounting for currency exchange rates. However, it took 53 minutes to go from Shard to Riverhaven, using the new routes as available, going by hand when not available, and going by way of bypassing the Gondola and swimming the Segoltha and Faldesu to bypass ferries.

Also, just turning in 3 Crossing contracts (1 being a Riverhaven interprov of 11180 gross), resulted in 145 gold, 23 silver, 7 bronze, and 9 copper Kronars. Can platinum be added to the currency to cut excessive gold coinage?

Naniaki Felyran

"I have faith in the current crop of GMs to not screw people over"

>>Actually an opinion cannot be changed or corrected. Nice try back of line.-VERATHOR
>>But it can be wrong.-Starlear
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