On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/23/2005 10:54 PM CST
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For our next installment, something that is near and dear to a lot of us..Pets, anyone?

I have 4 cats...started out with one after the stray we took in died and the family was heartbroken so I said we could adopt one to help...he was so cute rolling in his cat litter...after 3 years I realize he's not cute, he's stupid.

Next adopted a beautiful grey Persian that was neglected for the first 6 years of his life...and he loves us to pieces but he's not in total control of his...um...when he's stressed at all.

Recently I decided we needed a kitten...the other two are getting older and are boring...at the Shelter as I was singing the praises of one little kitten the family was all nestled around a cage with twins in it, looking up at me with the big eyes and saying we couldn't let them be split up. Now when I get up in the morning and pick up the destruction of the house from thier cute kitten antics, I wish I had the courage to let them be split up! Not only are they crazed, they have wakened something in the other two cats and they all race around the house a few times a day and take out anyone in thier path.

That being said...I love them all and wouldn't trade one of em in...well maybe one. And I won't get a dog no matter how much they all beg...I swear I won't...mutters...

Player of Couri
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/24/2005 06:38 AM CST
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I have 3 cats, Trouble, Charlie, and Boo.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/24/2005 10:35 AM CST
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>I have 3 cats, Trouble, Charlie, and Boo.

After very firmly being single and no kids, pets, plants or even a fish ... I ended up moving in with three cats; Baxter, Tyler and Lizzie. <sigh> This was not intended or planned, I tell you!
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/24/2005 11:24 AM CST
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I have one dog, a small, black, short-haired, terrier mix named Snowball. It's very touchy feely kind of dog that constantly wants to be touched.

"every man's death diminishes me for I am involved with mankind"
- John Donne
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/25/2005 12:20 AM CST
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My partner in crime is Beau, agreen-cheeked conure (little parrot) who dances, wrestles, snuggles, talks and has made himself the arch nemesis of every single boy I know (the girls love him).
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/25/2005 02:52 PM CST
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I have 2 cats (against my wishes), named Selphy (AKA: Selphy-cat, Selphy-girl, Whiny, and Whatthehelldoyouwant?!?) and Peanut Butter (AKA: P.B., Fat-cat, Fat-head, and P.B.Cat). You can find their infamous mugshuts on the following website:


(note: it's not really a political site, it's mostly just a bunch of cat pictures)

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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/26/2005 10:29 AM CST
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Hmm...one dog here named Snow. A Westie that thinks she's a kid and was born on Halloween. She was a gift for my wife shortly after we were married, which makes her 14 years old now. Last year she had an issue with fainting spells until they were able to determine that her heart was skipping up to 9 beats at a time. Now she has a pacemaker and is running around like a puppy again. Other than the fact that she's pretty much lost her hearing over the past year, she's doing really well. :)

Best Regards,
~GM Arnimas

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it."
-Benjamin Franklin
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/26/2005 10:48 AM CST
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Well, Meester Arnimas made me come over here and post. So blame this on him.

I'll try to be brief(ish) because I really need to get to packing while the dog is outside.

Okay, so, I have a dog. He's a black and tan doberman named D'Artagnan, will be 1 year on the 31st. I live in a house with three other people and they have 2 dogs of their own, a german shepherd (Mulder and/or Bubba) and an irish wolfhound (Cuchulain and/or Coolie). I really really wanted my own dog, both for companionship and the appearance of protection and I've always loved dobermans and when I was researching what type to get for my lifestyle situation, he's what I got.

We also, collectively, have 10 cats. 2 are mine, a now three year old shelter calico named Pixie (Princess Pixie Pooh-Pooh Girl) and another former shelter cat, gosh, she's about 9 or 10 now, a siamese named Chloe (she was 8 when we got her, abused, with that name, so I didn't change it). Actually, Chloe was supposed to be my friend's cat, and Charlie and Schnappsie (brothers) were supposed to be mine, but they liked her better and Chloe grafted herself to me eventually (well, she moved into my corner of the office and since I was online all the time and around her all the time, she decided I was tolerable and picked me). We also have Spookey, a fuzzy black shelter kitty, Morgan, a senior citizen persian, Oscar (Monster), an orange tabby from the shelter too, Rincewind (brother to the brothers, so yes, we have 3 from that litter), Onyx, the short black haired kitty that theoretically belongs to "the boy" and Riley, the current king of the house. He picked up the position after Max died a year ago Halloween. We also used to have Xander, Riley's brother, but he passed away because of an infection.

We had a horse, and then a friend for the horse, but recently returned her back to the man we'd gotten her from. We also have scads (no real number) of barn cats and the occasional rodent that passes through the property.

I had a website of them and took it down not long ago. I plan on putting some of it back, with just my brood, er, eventually. "Soon". :)

So there. Blame Arnie.

Because Trading is an art, baby.
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/26/2005 11:24 AM CST
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<<the occasional rodent that passes through the property

had to chuckle at that

I doubt that rodent actually gets to the other side?

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/27/2005 11:00 AM CST
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When I moved in with my boyfriend (now my husband, the player of Kraelyst) he lived with two other guys and a black pug named Fat Buddha. When we moved into our own place, I converted him into a cat lover by adopting two four-month-old kittens (I grew up with a golden retriever and about six adopted cats). Our two boy cats are now five years old, and the pug lives with my in-laws and their boston terrier (those two dogs are practically inseparable).

These two kitties have such amazing personalities, they're like children. I posted a few of my favorite pics with short comments on a quick webpage: http://www.lurksponge.com/personal/kitties.html. I'll be passing that page along to my mother too, since she'll love to see her "grandkitties." We have a strange family, I know.

~ the player of Aavarine, Silphe, Nabihle, et al

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/28/2005 11:47 AM CST
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My zoo, in no particular order:

Hera (dog): female doberman/rottweiler mix with some kind of shepherd in her. She's an SPCA puppy and has one blue eye, one brown, and is our sweetheart.

Zeus (dog): Big misnomer, though he does spend a lot of time in trouble with the ladies. He's an Aussie Shepherd mix, SPCA puppy as well.

Karma (cat): Black cat. I didn't want to name her lucky, so she got stuck with Karma. She's schizoid. She regularly purrs and hisses at the same time. She's our only lap cat.

Samantha (cat): Tortoiseshell. She's the little angel of the felines, and Karma's punching bag.

Opal (cat): Black & White longhair, Shadow's sister and Stray's daughter. She's the little mischief maker of the bunch.

Shadow (cat): Black polydactyl cat. This kind of cat is sometimes called a ship's cat, or a Hemmingway cat. He has a total of 23 fully-functional toes with claws. Normal cats have 18 (10 front, 8 back). His claws click on the floor when he walks around.

Stray (cat): She just showed up one day and hasn't left. She's Opal and Shadow's mama, but she's been fixed. Great barn cat. I'm just waiting to see what dead critter she brings to us next. She's thrown a dead field rat and a dead baby bunny in the house so far.

Sarge (bird): Golden-collared mini-macaw. He's a show-off and loves almonds. Aside from the usual words, he also wolf-whistles and meows.

Currently in acquisition process:

Imajica (horse): Lovely quarterhorse mare from solid bloodlines, 7 years old. She needs a lot of hours under saddle, but she's solid for just about anything you'd want to train her for. She's got a gorgeous, silky bay coat and mane that hangs down below her neck. Her sire & dam were big winners in halter classes in the area.

unnamed (horse): We don't want to jinx this one because the sale isn't certain yet, and our daughter LOVES him. We haven't mentioned we might be buying him, cuz we don't want her hopes up. He's a big sorrel & white appaloosa gelding, 8 years old. He's completely enamored of Imajica, and follows our daughter around the pasture like a big puppy dog. He's a little better under saddle than Imajica, but he gets flakey in the arena. His dam is a grand champion jumper. He's also solid for anything we want to do with him.
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Re: On the eighth week there were Cats...or Dogs...or.... on 03/28/2005 12:44 PM CST
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<<I doubt that rodent actually gets to the other side?>>

For a while there, a BIG OLE ground hog was making the rounds on the property. I think eventually he became dinner. So... sometimes!

Because Trading is an art, baby.
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