I need to hold a rather large auction. Taking my premie account down to a regular account and nned to get rid of about 5 people worth of stuff. Id be willing to give up a bigger cut then normal to move these items as soon there will be no place to put them.
Best way to reach me is at zaraxus@hotmail.com
Looking for a trader run a auction on 05/23/2003 08:27 AM CDT
Hi everyone,
I'm looking to clean out my vault of a bunch of Safari stuff via a auction in the Crossing Auction Hall. If yer interested and have some time after 3pm eastern on 5/26/03 please let me know and I will meet you at a location of your choice in or near Crossing to discuss fees for your service. :) Thanks much in advance.
A heart bound
by the shackles of society,
can never be free to be anything more
than a slave to conformity.
I'm looking to clean out my vault of a bunch of Safari stuff via a auction in the Crossing Auction Hall. If yer interested and have some time after 3pm eastern on 5/26/03 please let me know and I will meet you at a location of your choice in or near Crossing to discuss fees for your service. :) Thanks much in advance.
A heart bound
by the shackles of society,
can never be free to be anything more
than a slave to conformity.
Looking for an auctioneer! on 07/23/2003 12:52 PM CDT
Looking for an auctioneer to sell a packful of stuff that's just taking up room in my vault. I figured an auction would be the best way to sell, since I have a lot of things which aren't super expensive by themselves. I'd like to find a trader who I can just pass off my goods to that will do all the work of advertising and auctioning. For the proper commission of course. My AIM is paladinarturik (preferred method of contact) and my email is c1958@truman.edu (include an AIM name if you contact by email). Anyway, here's the stuff I've got to sell, including all containers that the stuff's in:
You rummage through a brass-riveted leather travel pack painted with a clever mongoose stalking a sinuous adder and see a wax label, an elegant silver cloak pin inset with an opalescent glass Kronar, a gold ring set with a large diamond, a hand carved oak-handled footbrush, a leather mask, a silver-hilted craftsman's knife, a polished Elven telo, a basket-hilted broadsword, some leather vambraces decorated with charging rams, a cooking pot lid painted with a ram, a blackened steel war hammer with a wire-wound ironwood haft, a meat cleaver, a basket-hilted rapier with a wagon-wheel basket, a meat cleaver, a gleaming short sword, a short sword with an elaborate gold handguard, a vicious rapier, an iron prybar, a tarnished steel scimitar, a malachite and silver-inlaid katar, an old katar, a hide-covered wooden shield painted with a charging ram, an eight-sided kite shield, a hide-covered wooden shield painted with a sailing ship, a curved shield with a raised silver flange, a tooled leather coat, an ebonwood caravan care kit set with long jade veins etched to resemble blades of grass, a frayed burlap grooming kit, a darkened metal lockpick case, a marquetry lockpick case handcrafted with an inlaid design of a mariner's compass, a black satin gem pouch with a blued-steel raven clasp, some side-laced leather armbands, a thick leather rucksack with bronze clasps, a large spidersilk sack and a dark spidersilk pouch.
You rummage through a large spidersilk sack and see a black leather cloak trimmed in silver, some ragged brown trousers, a shadegrown cigar, a silver-banded cigar, a silver-banded cigar, a whiskey-laced cigar, a thin Purple Lion cigarillo, a thin Purple Lion cigarillo, a hara cigar, a telgi cigar, a stump cigar, a telgi cigar, a shadegrown cigar, a sungrown cigar, a sungrown cigar, some Donee Shag tobacco, some black ribbon tobacco, some Donee Shag tobacco, some seaweed tobacco, some mint tobacco, some vanilla tobacco, some vanilla tobacco, some Riverhaven Red tobacco, some Donee Shag tobacco, some black ribbon tobacco, some black ribbon tobacco, a polished copper pipe, a collapsible fishing pole, an apple-red deerskin shirt, a short sleeved deep crimson shirt with gaudy magenta tart-shaped buttons, a deep crimson shirt with billowing sleeves laced closed at the cuff by leather cording, a gaudy stuffed ring-necked gidii, a knotted hickory stein, a rusty tin lunch pail with a mismatched steel handle, a brown yak hair sweater knitted with the crest of the Trader Guild and a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates.
You rummage through a brass-riveted leather travel pack painted with a clever mongoose stalking a sinuous adder and see a wax label, an elegant silver cloak pin inset with an opalescent glass Kronar, a gold ring set with a large diamond, a hand carved oak-handled footbrush, a leather mask, a silver-hilted craftsman's knife, a polished Elven telo, a basket-hilted broadsword, some leather vambraces decorated with charging rams, a cooking pot lid painted with a ram, a blackened steel war hammer with a wire-wound ironwood haft, a meat cleaver, a basket-hilted rapier with a wagon-wheel basket, a meat cleaver, a gleaming short sword, a short sword with an elaborate gold handguard, a vicious rapier, an iron prybar, a tarnished steel scimitar, a malachite and silver-inlaid katar, an old katar, a hide-covered wooden shield painted with a charging ram, an eight-sided kite shield, a hide-covered wooden shield painted with a sailing ship, a curved shield with a raised silver flange, a tooled leather coat, an ebonwood caravan care kit set with long jade veins etched to resemble blades of grass, a frayed burlap grooming kit, a darkened metal lockpick case, a marquetry lockpick case handcrafted with an inlaid design of a mariner's compass, a black satin gem pouch with a blued-steel raven clasp, some side-laced leather armbands, a thick leather rucksack with bronze clasps, a large spidersilk sack and a dark spidersilk pouch.
You rummage through a large spidersilk sack and see a black leather cloak trimmed in silver, some ragged brown trousers, a shadegrown cigar, a silver-banded cigar, a silver-banded cigar, a whiskey-laced cigar, a thin Purple Lion cigarillo, a thin Purple Lion cigarillo, a hara cigar, a telgi cigar, a stump cigar, a telgi cigar, a shadegrown cigar, a sungrown cigar, a sungrown cigar, some Donee Shag tobacco, some black ribbon tobacco, some Donee Shag tobacco, some seaweed tobacco, some mint tobacco, some vanilla tobacco, some vanilla tobacco, some Riverhaven Red tobacco, some Donee Shag tobacco, some black ribbon tobacco, some black ribbon tobacco, a polished copper pipe, a collapsible fishing pole, an apple-red deerskin shirt, a short sleeved deep crimson shirt with gaudy magenta tart-shaped buttons, a deep crimson shirt with billowing sleeves laced closed at the cuff by leather cording, a gaudy stuffed ring-necked gidii, a knotted hickory stein, a rusty tin lunch pail with a mismatched steel handle, a brown yak hair sweater knitted with the crest of the Trader Guild and a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates.
Re: Looking for an auctioneer! on 07/24/2003 05:00 PM CDT
Tell me the date you want the auction.
I charge 1 plat a day to hold your stuff.
I charge 10 plat to get up on the stand, then 2 plat an hour at the auction.
Advertisements are 10 plats each. I will do one a day (Posting on Yahoo is extra).
Posting on the calender is 5 plats.
I want 20% cut on proceeds.
I will note what I want to start bidding at on each piece. We can discuss differences.
I have the right to remove items from the list (whether customer wants to much or the item is too common; I don't auction goblin target shields, etc.)
Once the items are priced, I gaureentee a return at 25% over 'what we want for it' (not what MB is...there is a median range which is what I guarentee). If not, I promise to pay the difference.
Godly Shield We Want 1500 Kronars, guarenteed then at 1875 Kronars, shield sells for 1300, I pay you 575 Kronars. Shield sells for 5300 Kronars, you get 4240 Kronars (I get 1060 Kronars). If the shield doesn't sell, I pay you nothing. You get the shield back.
This should about cover my lost wages from contracts while preparing and doing an auction.
AIM: SoutherKen
Email: Ken_Souther@yahoo.com
I charge 1 plat a day to hold your stuff.
I charge 10 plat to get up on the stand, then 2 plat an hour at the auction.
Advertisements are 10 plats each. I will do one a day (Posting on Yahoo is extra).
Posting on the calender is 5 plats.
I want 20% cut on proceeds.
I will note what I want to start bidding at on each piece. We can discuss differences.
I have the right to remove items from the list (whether customer wants to much or the item is too common; I don't auction goblin target shields, etc.)
Once the items are priced, I gaureentee a return at 25% over 'what we want for it' (not what MB is...there is a median range which is what I guarentee). If not, I promise to pay the difference.
Godly Shield We Want 1500 Kronars, guarenteed then at 1875 Kronars, shield sells for 1300, I pay you 575 Kronars. Shield sells for 5300 Kronars, you get 4240 Kronars (I get 1060 Kronars). If the shield doesn't sell, I pay you nothing. You get the shield back.
This should about cover my lost wages from contracts while preparing and doing an auction.
AIM: SoutherKen
Email: Ken_Souther@yahoo.com
Any available trader willing to hold an auction? on 02/22/2004 05:05 PM CST
looking for a trader to hold a small auction for me, somewhere around 60-75 pieces.
email me for a list of items to see if someone can help me out.
thanks in advance
ceedat uglytoe
email at jmccathran@aol.com
email me for a list of items to see if someone can help me out.
thanks in advance
ceedat uglytoe
email at jmccathran@aol.com
Re: auction on 03/18/2004 07:33 AM CST
<<looking for a trader to hold a small auction for me, somewhere around 60-75 pieces.>>
heh. 60 to 70 peices will probably take at least 3 to 4 hours. Thats no small auction.
heh. 60 to 70 peices will probably take at least 3 to 4 hours. Thats no small auction.
Re: auction on 03/18/2004 12:23 PM CST
Re: auction on 03/18/2004 01:06 PM CST
I was figuring about 3 minutes per piece. At that pace though the seller wont get much for the items. Bang bang bang sold!
Looking for a trader to host auction on 03/20/2004 10:00 AM CST
I have a whole host of items I'd like to sell, some dating back a while- old traveler's packs, etc. I'm looking at doing multiple auctions (perhaps one a week) until all or most of these items can be sold. Please email chartcliff@yahoo.com if you would be interested or know of someone who would. I do need a trader experienced in doing auctions and able to drum up a decent crowd.
Need trader for auction on 04/21/2004 04:45 PM CDT
Looking for a trader to host a guild hall auction. Please email me at chartcliff@yahoo.com if you're interested or know of anyone.
Needing a Trader for an auction! on 09/20/2004 05:33 PM CDT
Hi, folks! I'm needing to hire a Trader for an auction. I have lots..LOTS...of items (forged weapons, invasion items, fest stuff, etc) and I'd appreciate help first in sorting through what would be the most worthwhile to sell and then to sell them!
AIM is Skylira.
Thank you!
~Skylira Mer'Luna~
AIM is Skylira.
Thank you!
~Skylira Mer'Luna~
Seeking a Trader for an auction on 09/27/2004 06:15 PM CDT
Re: Seeking a Trader for an auction on 09/29/2004 07:37 PM CDT
Heyo All,
Yes, there are plenty of traders who will run auctions......I believe Veii's website has a list of them including contact details.
The key things for my own trader are the following:
1) Only auction items that people actually want (no green hairbrushes or flints for example)
2) Keep your list of items to a minimum.....most people tire of auctions after 20 to 30 items
3) Advertise well in advance of the auction.....get people turning up
4) NEVER set a minimum price on your items......its an auction.......people bidding are there to spend money
5) NEVER pull an item if its not selling for enough.....someone bid seriously on that item, if it sells for 1 copper tough!
My own experience of auctioning has been mixed. It depends on the time, place and adverstisement as well as the quality of your stock. Whilst the old adage that "one persons junk is anothers treasure" is true to a point, simple vault sales of crap tend to be a waste of time.....if you dont really want it most other people wont either (there are exceptions of course).
If you want to fix prices find a trader willing to run a table (the bazaars in crossing, haven and ???somewhere else). You can arrange a commission and set your prices.....your items will then either sell or not but you will not be "ripped off".
Auctions are entertaining and can be profitable, but there is a risk with them.
If you want me to help, catch me in game some time or send me an IM on phantom00i. Ill want a list of your items first and foremost.........
Other things you can do to assist is have all weapons and armors appraised correctly and weighed....these things are important !
Thats all from me....
Muleskinner Elsulose
Yes, there are plenty of traders who will run auctions......I believe Veii's website has a list of them including contact details.
The key things for my own trader are the following:
1) Only auction items that people actually want (no green hairbrushes or flints for example)
2) Keep your list of items to a minimum.....most people tire of auctions after 20 to 30 items
3) Advertise well in advance of the auction.....get people turning up
4) NEVER set a minimum price on your items......its an auction.......people bidding are there to spend money
5) NEVER pull an item if its not selling for enough.....someone bid seriously on that item, if it sells for 1 copper tough!
My own experience of auctioning has been mixed. It depends on the time, place and adverstisement as well as the quality of your stock. Whilst the old adage that "one persons junk is anothers treasure" is true to a point, simple vault sales of crap tend to be a waste of time.....if you dont really want it most other people wont either (there are exceptions of course).
If you want to fix prices find a trader willing to run a table (the bazaars in crossing, haven and ???somewhere else). You can arrange a commission and set your prices.....your items will then either sell or not but you will not be "ripped off".
Auctions are entertaining and can be profitable, but there is a risk with them.
If you want me to help, catch me in game some time or send me an IM on phantom00i. Ill want a list of your items first and foremost.........
Other things you can do to assist is have all weapons and armors appraised correctly and weighed....these things are important !
Thats all from me....
Muleskinner Elsulose
Re: Seeking a Trader for an auction on 10/01/2004 01:23 AM CDT
Hehe just have Idora auction it, she's gavel-banging happy.
Besides, you didn't say it right:
People are there to spend as LITTLE money as possible. The auction audience's dream is a moneybelt, a teleport hammer, a snake charm and an old haversack for 5 gold each.
They are all hoping no one else knows what they are and doesn't bid.
From my experience people bid on the oddest things and normally valueable or interesting things get a lukewarm reception at best...
This is why you have to be willing to take a gamble on auctions...
Evil Overlord List
#46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.
Yes it's on my site.
Besides, you didn't say it right:
People are there to spend as LITTLE money as possible. The auction audience's dream is a moneybelt, a teleport hammer, a snake charm and an old haversack for 5 gold each.
They are all hoping no one else knows what they are and doesn't bid.
From my experience people bid on the oddest things and normally valueable or interesting things get a lukewarm reception at best...
This is why you have to be willing to take a gamble on auctions...
Evil Overlord List
#46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.
Yes it's on my site.
Re: Seeking a Trader for an auction on 10/02/2004 08:40 PM CDT
looking to have an auction held on 10/05/2004 11:31 PM CDT
Here is some of the stuff i want to sell E-mail me at Thrasew@yahoo.com if yer interested
a moldering scroll
the Centering spell
sturdy grey backpack--- this is an old backpack a greatsword will go into it
viper-skin boots embroidered with rampant black dragons
long dark hooded cloak
half plate
The plate looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm
left arm
You think that a half plate appears to impose great maneuvering hindrance and offers:
great protection and high damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and great damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and high damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and great damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a half plate you could expect to be greatly hindered.
You are confident that the half plate is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.
The half plate is made with metal.
The half plate feels quite heavy.
sturdy weapon harness
dingy brown battle-worn burlap tabard stained with sweat and blood
Despite the holes and fraying caused by battle, a wild boar, the symbol of Everild, is still proudly visible on the front of the tabard.
a brushed silver torque inlaid with an onyx coyote silhouetted against a cambrinth moon.
The cambrinth torque shows signs of having been charged with Holy energy.
a leather cuff embroidered with the words "No Ranger stands alone
a leather archer's cuff with the Ranger Guild crest hand-tooled across the back
A hunting sword is a heavy edged type weapon.
You guess that it could do:
fair puncture damage
moderate slice damage
low impact damage
You wonder if the sword is poorly balanced and is fairly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are confident that the hunting sword is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
The hunting sword is made with metal.
The hunting sword feels light.
woven leather belt with a large silver buckle bearing the Ranger Guild crest
a reaver-hide belt
a loud orange hat
a polka-dotted liripipe hat
a slender gold bracelet made from delicate interlocking hearts
a pair of carved ivory dice set with tiny rubies
a lumpy Gor'tog doll
a thirteen-point star
some white ironwood bones
some oak bones
some inlaid black ironwood bones
a set of colorful balls x3
a light pink strawberry bean
a large sack
a sjatmal gwethdesuan
a leather belt quiver with the Ranger Guild crest intricately tooled across the front
a large copper hoop earring
a gold arrow head ear-stud
a bascinet
The bascinet is light plate.
The bascinet looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You think that a bascinet appears to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
fair protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a bascinet you could expect to be unhindered.
You are confident that the bascinet is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.
The bascinet is made with metal.
The bascinet has a bit of weight to it.
a deep crimson bascinet
The bascinet is light plate.
The bascinet looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You think that a bascinet appears to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
fair protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a bascinet you could expect to be unhindered.
You are confident that the bascinet is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.
The bascinet is made with metal.
The bascinet has a bit of weight to it.
some slate grey gauntlets
The slate grey gauntlets are heavy chain.
The gauntlets look like they offer protection for the following areas:
right hand
left hand
You think that some slate grey gauntlets appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and fair damage absorption for impact attacks.
high protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in some slate grey gauntlets you could expect to be insignificantly hindered.
You are confident that the slate grey gauntlets are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.
The slate grey gauntlets are made with metal.
The slate grey gauntlets are quite supple.
The slate grey gauntlets feels light.
black scale gauntlets with ornamental silvered talons extending from the fingertips
The scale gauntlets are heavy chain.
The gauntlets look like they offer protection for the following areas:
right hand
left hand
You guess that some black scale gauntlets with ornamental silvered talons extending from the fingertips appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
moderate protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for impact attacks.
high protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in some black scale gauntlets with ornamental silvered talons extending from the fingertips you could expect to be insignificantly hindered.
You are certain that the scale gauntlets are fairly sturdy, and are in pristine condition.
The scale gauntlets are made with metal.
The scale gauntlets are quite supple.
The scale gauntlets feels light.
deep crimson handguards
The deep crimson handguards are heavy plate.
The handguards look like they offer protection for the following areas:
right hand
left hand
You guess that a pair of deep crimson handguards appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
high protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and high damage absorption for impact attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
good protection and great damage absorption for cold attacks.
no protection and great damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a pair of deep crimson handguards you could expect to be lightly hindered.
You are certain that the deep crimson handguards are moderately strong, and are in pristine condition.
The deep crimson handguards are made with metal.
The deep crimson handguards has a bit of weight to it.
a long leather pouch cinched with a silver ram's head on a rawhide thong
a slate grey helm
The slate grey helm is heavy plate.
The helm looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You guess that a slate grey helm appears to impose fair maneuvering hindrance and offers:
high protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
great protection and fair damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for impact attacks.
high protection and good damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a slate grey helm you could expect to be fairly hindered.
You are confident that the slate grey helm is very strong, and is in pristine condition.
The slate grey helm is made with metal.
The slate grey helm has a bit of weight to it.
an iron-banded skull helm
The skull helm is heavy chain.
The helm looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
You think that an iron-banded skull helm appears to impose insignificant maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for impact attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and high damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and high damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in an iron-banded skull helm you could expect to be unhindered.
You are confident that the skull helm is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
The skull helm is made with metal.
The skull helm is quite supple.
The skull helm has a bit of weight to it.
a flame-etched hanger
A flame-etched hanger is a medium edged type weapon.
You believe that it could do:
poor puncture damage
moderate slice damage
low impact damage
You believe that the hanger is fairly balanced and is reasonably suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the flame-etched hanger is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
The flame-etched hanger is made with metal.
The flame-etched hanger feels light.
a red crystal shard x3
a clear crystal shard x2
a dull crystal shard x2
a purple crystal shard
cambrinth orb charged with Holy energy
a cambrinth orb charged with Elemental energy
A Nisha short bow
a silver eyebrow ring
a silver ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild
a silvery carousel horse earring
a silver filigree and cambrinth earring charged with Elemental energy.
a fang-tipped wooden earring
a bamboo blowgun
a black weasel-hide pouch clasped with a silver weasel charm
a dead mouse
an Illithia pipe
a small ankle pouch with an embroidered strap
a twisted cambrinth armband charged with Life energy
a wooden Sympath trinket
a Ranger Guild Crest card
On this card you see the image of a crouching mountain lion surrounded by a thicket of thorns over a blazing sun, the crest of the Ranger's Guild.
An iron-banded throwing hammer with a grip wrapped in fine pard skin is a heavy thrown and heavy blunt type weapon x2
a black full-length cape colorfully and intricately embroidered with a crouching mountain lion
a parchment scroll from inside your journey pack
The print on your parchment scroll is smudged and unreadable
a deep black snood adorned with a silver horse charm
look snood
Tiny rounded onyx chips are set on the horse charm creating bright black eyes.
some snug black suede boots with silver inlaid high-heels
look boots
Silver cord laces up the back of these well-made boots whose heels have been inlaid with a single blood-red ruby rose.
a deep blue mage's robe trimmed in silver and embroidered with the Wind Elf glyph for a crashing wave
A gold-edged sabre is a medium edged type weapon.
a wide cambrinth wristcuff bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild
look wrist
A silver plate is set into the wristcuff, etched with the image of a wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords.
A very faint pattern indicates its readiness to absorb Elemental energy.
a white-striped jade-green lizard
This whimsical piece of jewelry is an enameled copper pin with an odd sigil enscribed on the back.
There appears to be something written on it.
It reads: "In appreciation of your participation in the Lizard Beauty Contest."
some cougar-hide leathers
some oilcloth leggings
a full-sleeved white silk shirt
a thigh quiver
a fine silver chain
a greatsword sheath
You attach a greatsword sheath to your belt.
a deep sable three-forked sword belt with brass buckles and fittings
The silver-edged handguards are heavy plate.
a wax tablet
The wax tablet says something about the Huldah's Pall spell
The shark fang-tipped gloves are leather armor.
Elegantly crafted in silver, the beltworn flask is perfectly suited for tippling when on the run.
a silver flute case w/ a chamois cloth and an ivory-inlaid flute.
A saw-edged cutlass is a medium edged type weapon.
The cutlass has a curved blade with wicked teeth down the edge
a twisted hilt claymore
a light crossbow set with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild
look cross
The burnished steel boltplate is etched with the image of a wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords.
a copper-chain bola
a platinum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild x3
a misty garnet ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild
look ring
The crest of the Warrior Mage Guild bears the image of a black wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords.
a cambrinth ring- The cambrinth ring has yet to be charged. x2
a cambrinth ring- charged with Elemental energy x2
some arbelog claw gloves
some supple black suede riding gloves
An intricate labyrinthine pattern has been traced along the edge of the black suede gloves.
a steel uenlata inlaid with silver sunbursts is a light thrown and light edged type weapon.
this circular throwing blade has been balanced and sharpened to a fine edge, making it ideal for quick throws.
a brass-hilted dagger with a delicately etched blade
The blade of this dagger has been acid etched in great detail with an image of a seagoing vessel.
a thin bronze throwing dagger with a black crystal hilt
a sparkling blue dagger
a bone-handled throwing knife
a snakeskin wrist sheath
a wax label
a red sash
a sea sponge
a tear-shaped blue diamond
a studded greatsword harness
a bronze dragon pin
You get an epidote panther charm from inside your journey pack.
>look charm
The black translucent charm is carved from a slender prismatic crystal, and looks very fragile and brittle.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read charm
An epidote panther charm reads: "Come Damaris, dark night and dreams, the panther protect me."
a water-etched steel sabre with a leather-wrapped hilt
a black velvet ribbon
You tie a black velvet ribbon to your hair.
a black doeskin skirt
a black swordsman's shirt laced at the neck with a golden cord
look shirt
The finely woven fabric and handsome, forgiving cut of the swordman's shirt could make even a lumbering Gor'Tog appear dashing.
an opal-inlaid hairpin
a grain sack
The double leather is leather armor.
a set of mottled interlocking steel armor
look armor
An unusual mixture of metals gives this armor a rough mottled appearance, when in fact each plate is buffed smooth to the touch. A minute crimson sigil has been etched into the right side pallette, but its meaning is impossible to decipher.
a white rabbitskin journey pack
look pack
Tiny light-brown spots pepper the otherwise snow-white surface of the pack.
a fur-trimmed blue velvet cloak
a crystal heart-etched pin
You get a black leather bullwhip from inside your journey pack.
wave bul
You crack your bullwhip in the air causing a loud pop!
It appears that the leather bullwhip can be worn attached to a belt.
a small golden bell
You give the bell a tap and set it ringing. The sweet tone echoes musically.
a gleaming short sword
a large copper earring
an acid-etched tei'oloh'ata
Forms of winged dragons wreaking havoc upon a battlefield with talon and flame have been etched into the polished steel blade.
a black linen sack clasped with a tarnished silver shark
a smiling shadow master doll
a copper Warrior Mage trinket
a glass falcon trinket
a wooden harvester trinket
a grey velvet ribbon
a cambrinth armband carved into the shape of interlocked leaping dolphins charged with Elemental energy.
a ratskin hood
an arm pouch stitched with a beautiful forest scene
The embroidery sewn into the pouch is a stylized rendition of the fortress Leth Deriel sitting in the midst of a wild forest.
a woodcutter's hatchet
a black sailor hat embroidered with a skull and crossbones
some massive plate armor
some gleaming silver-white plate
a half plate
a green leather cuirbouilli coat emblazoned with a pair of crossed scimitars
some crested leathers
You look at some crested leathers. Tooled on the leathers is a blank charger shrouded by a concealing veil. Beneath the crest is a banner emblazoned with the words "Dagger in the Darkness."
I have more i just haven't actually typed it all up and it is spread out over so many characters it will take a little time to log and get ready but I'm willing to haggle over price looking for a percentage of what is made.
a moldering scroll
the Centering spell
sturdy grey backpack--- this is an old backpack a greatsword will go into it
viper-skin boots embroidered with rampant black dragons
long dark hooded cloak
half plate
The plate looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right arm
left arm
You think that a half plate appears to impose great maneuvering hindrance and offers:
great protection and high damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and great damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and high damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and great damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a half plate you could expect to be greatly hindered.
You are confident that the half plate is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.
The half plate is made with metal.
The half plate feels quite heavy.
sturdy weapon harness
dingy brown battle-worn burlap tabard stained with sweat and blood
Despite the holes and fraying caused by battle, a wild boar, the symbol of Everild, is still proudly visible on the front of the tabard.
a brushed silver torque inlaid with an onyx coyote silhouetted against a cambrinth moon.
The cambrinth torque shows signs of having been charged with Holy energy.
a leather cuff embroidered with the words "No Ranger stands alone
a leather archer's cuff with the Ranger Guild crest hand-tooled across the back
A hunting sword is a heavy edged type weapon.
You guess that it could do:
fair puncture damage
moderate slice damage
low impact damage
You wonder if the sword is poorly balanced and is fairly suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are confident that the hunting sword is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
The hunting sword is made with metal.
The hunting sword feels light.
woven leather belt with a large silver buckle bearing the Ranger Guild crest
a reaver-hide belt
a loud orange hat
a polka-dotted liripipe hat
a slender gold bracelet made from delicate interlocking hearts
a pair of carved ivory dice set with tiny rubies
a lumpy Gor'tog doll
a thirteen-point star
some white ironwood bones
some oak bones
some inlaid black ironwood bones
a set of colorful balls x3
a light pink strawberry bean
a large sack
a sjatmal gwethdesuan
a leather belt quiver with the Ranger Guild crest intricately tooled across the front
a large copper hoop earring
a gold arrow head ear-stud
a bascinet
The bascinet is light plate.
The bascinet looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You think that a bascinet appears to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
fair protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a bascinet you could expect to be unhindered.
You are confident that the bascinet is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.
The bascinet is made with metal.
The bascinet has a bit of weight to it.
a deep crimson bascinet
The bascinet is light plate.
The bascinet looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You think that a bascinet appears to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
fair protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and great damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a bascinet you could expect to be unhindered.
You are confident that the bascinet is moderately strong, and is in pristine condition.
The bascinet is made with metal.
The bascinet has a bit of weight to it.
some slate grey gauntlets
The slate grey gauntlets are heavy chain.
The gauntlets look like they offer protection for the following areas:
right hand
left hand
You think that some slate grey gauntlets appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and fair damage absorption for impact attacks.
high protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in some slate grey gauntlets you could expect to be insignificantly hindered.
You are confident that the slate grey gauntlets are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.
The slate grey gauntlets are made with metal.
The slate grey gauntlets are quite supple.
The slate grey gauntlets feels light.
black scale gauntlets with ornamental silvered talons extending from the fingertips
The scale gauntlets are heavy chain.
The gauntlets look like they offer protection for the following areas:
right hand
left hand
You guess that some black scale gauntlets with ornamental silvered talons extending from the fingertips appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
moderate protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for impact attacks.
high protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in some black scale gauntlets with ornamental silvered talons extending from the fingertips you could expect to be insignificantly hindered.
You are certain that the scale gauntlets are fairly sturdy, and are in pristine condition.
The scale gauntlets are made with metal.
The scale gauntlets are quite supple.
The scale gauntlets feels light.
deep crimson handguards
The deep crimson handguards are heavy plate.
The handguards look like they offer protection for the following areas:
right hand
left hand
You guess that a pair of deep crimson handguards appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
high protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
fair protection and high damage absorption for impact attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
good protection and great damage absorption for cold attacks.
no protection and great damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a pair of deep crimson handguards you could expect to be lightly hindered.
You are certain that the deep crimson handguards are moderately strong, and are in pristine condition.
The deep crimson handguards are made with metal.
The deep crimson handguards has a bit of weight to it.
a long leather pouch cinched with a silver ram's head on a rawhide thong
a slate grey helm
The slate grey helm is heavy plate.
The helm looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
right eye
left eye
You guess that a slate grey helm appears to impose fair maneuvering hindrance and offers:
high protection and moderate damage absorption for puncture attacks.
great protection and fair damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for impact attacks.
high protection and good damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in a slate grey helm you could expect to be fairly hindered.
You are confident that the slate grey helm is very strong, and is in pristine condition.
The slate grey helm is made with metal.
The slate grey helm has a bit of weight to it.
an iron-banded skull helm
The skull helm is heavy chain.
The helm looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
You think that an iron-banded skull helm appears to impose insignificant maneuvering hindrance and offers:
good protection and good damage absorption for puncture attacks.
moderate protection and good damage absorption for slice attacks.
good protection and moderate damage absorption for impact attacks.
good protection and high damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate protection and high damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and high damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only maneuvering in an iron-banded skull helm you could expect to be unhindered.
You are confident that the skull helm is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
The skull helm is made with metal.
The skull helm is quite supple.
The skull helm has a bit of weight to it.
a flame-etched hanger
A flame-etched hanger is a medium edged type weapon.
You believe that it could do:
poor puncture damage
moderate slice damage
low impact damage
You believe that the hanger is fairly balanced and is reasonably suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the flame-etched hanger is fairly sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
The flame-etched hanger is made with metal.
The flame-etched hanger feels light.
a red crystal shard x3
a clear crystal shard x2
a dull crystal shard x2
a purple crystal shard
cambrinth orb charged with Holy energy
a cambrinth orb charged with Elemental energy
A Nisha short bow
a silver eyebrow ring
a silver ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild
a silvery carousel horse earring
a silver filigree and cambrinth earring charged with Elemental energy.
a fang-tipped wooden earring
a bamboo blowgun
a black weasel-hide pouch clasped with a silver weasel charm
a dead mouse
an Illithia pipe
a small ankle pouch with an embroidered strap
a twisted cambrinth armband charged with Life energy
a wooden Sympath trinket
a Ranger Guild Crest card
On this card you see the image of a crouching mountain lion surrounded by a thicket of thorns over a blazing sun, the crest of the Ranger's Guild.
An iron-banded throwing hammer with a grip wrapped in fine pard skin is a heavy thrown and heavy blunt type weapon x2
a black full-length cape colorfully and intricately embroidered with a crouching mountain lion
a parchment scroll from inside your journey pack
The print on your parchment scroll is smudged and unreadable
a deep black snood adorned with a silver horse charm
look snood
Tiny rounded onyx chips are set on the horse charm creating bright black eyes.
some snug black suede boots with silver inlaid high-heels
look boots
Silver cord laces up the back of these well-made boots whose heels have been inlaid with a single blood-red ruby rose.
a deep blue mage's robe trimmed in silver and embroidered with the Wind Elf glyph for a crashing wave
A gold-edged sabre is a medium edged type weapon.
a wide cambrinth wristcuff bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage guild
look wrist
A silver plate is set into the wristcuff, etched with the image of a wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords.
A very faint pattern indicates its readiness to absorb Elemental energy.
a white-striped jade-green lizard
This whimsical piece of jewelry is an enameled copper pin with an odd sigil enscribed on the back.
There appears to be something written on it.
It reads: "In appreciation of your participation in the Lizard Beauty Contest."
some cougar-hide leathers
some oilcloth leggings
a full-sleeved white silk shirt
a thigh quiver
a fine silver chain
a greatsword sheath
You attach a greatsword sheath to your belt.
a deep sable three-forked sword belt with brass buckles and fittings
The silver-edged handguards are heavy plate.
a wax tablet
The wax tablet says something about the Huldah's Pall spell
The shark fang-tipped gloves are leather armor.
Elegantly crafted in silver, the beltworn flask is perfectly suited for tippling when on the run.
a silver flute case w/ a chamois cloth and an ivory-inlaid flute.
A saw-edged cutlass is a medium edged type weapon.
The cutlass has a curved blade with wicked teeth down the edge
a twisted hilt claymore
a light crossbow set with the crest of the Warrior Mage guild
look cross
The burnished steel boltplate is etched with the image of a wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords.
a copper-chain bola
a platinum ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild x3
a misty garnet ring bearing the crest of the Warrior Mage Guild
look ring
The crest of the Warrior Mage Guild bears the image of a black wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords.
a cambrinth ring- The cambrinth ring has yet to be charged. x2
a cambrinth ring- charged with Elemental energy x2
some arbelog claw gloves
some supple black suede riding gloves
An intricate labyrinthine pattern has been traced along the edge of the black suede gloves.
a steel uenlata inlaid with silver sunbursts is a light thrown and light edged type weapon.
this circular throwing blade has been balanced and sharpened to a fine edge, making it ideal for quick throws.
a brass-hilted dagger with a delicately etched blade
The blade of this dagger has been acid etched in great detail with an image of a seagoing vessel.
a thin bronze throwing dagger with a black crystal hilt
a sparkling blue dagger
a bone-handled throwing knife
a snakeskin wrist sheath
a wax label
a red sash
a sea sponge
a tear-shaped blue diamond
a studded greatsword harness
a bronze dragon pin
You get an epidote panther charm from inside your journey pack.
>look charm
The black translucent charm is carved from a slender prismatic crystal, and looks very fragile and brittle.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read charm
An epidote panther charm reads: "Come Damaris, dark night and dreams, the panther protect me."
a water-etched steel sabre with a leather-wrapped hilt
a black velvet ribbon
You tie a black velvet ribbon to your hair.
a black doeskin skirt
a black swordsman's shirt laced at the neck with a golden cord
look shirt
The finely woven fabric and handsome, forgiving cut of the swordman's shirt could make even a lumbering Gor'Tog appear dashing.
an opal-inlaid hairpin
a grain sack
The double leather is leather armor.
a set of mottled interlocking steel armor
look armor
An unusual mixture of metals gives this armor a rough mottled appearance, when in fact each plate is buffed smooth to the touch. A minute crimson sigil has been etched into the right side pallette, but its meaning is impossible to decipher.
a white rabbitskin journey pack
look pack
Tiny light-brown spots pepper the otherwise snow-white surface of the pack.
a fur-trimmed blue velvet cloak
a crystal heart-etched pin
You get a black leather bullwhip from inside your journey pack.
wave bul
You crack your bullwhip in the air causing a loud pop!
It appears that the leather bullwhip can be worn attached to a belt.
a small golden bell
You give the bell a tap and set it ringing. The sweet tone echoes musically.
a gleaming short sword
a large copper earring
an acid-etched tei'oloh'ata
Forms of winged dragons wreaking havoc upon a battlefield with talon and flame have been etched into the polished steel blade.
a black linen sack clasped with a tarnished silver shark
a smiling shadow master doll
a copper Warrior Mage trinket
a glass falcon trinket
a wooden harvester trinket
a grey velvet ribbon
a cambrinth armband carved into the shape of interlocked leaping dolphins charged with Elemental energy.
a ratskin hood
an arm pouch stitched with a beautiful forest scene
The embroidery sewn into the pouch is a stylized rendition of the fortress Leth Deriel sitting in the midst of a wild forest.
a woodcutter's hatchet
a black sailor hat embroidered with a skull and crossbones
some massive plate armor
some gleaming silver-white plate
a half plate
a green leather cuirbouilli coat emblazoned with a pair of crossed scimitars
some crested leathers
You look at some crested leathers. Tooled on the leathers is a blank charger shrouded by a concealing veil. Beneath the crest is a banner emblazoned with the words "Dagger in the Darkness."
I have more i just haven't actually typed it all up and it is spread out over so many characters it will take a little time to log and get ready but I'm willing to haggle over price looking for a percentage of what is made.
Still need an auctioneer! on 10/08/2004 06:35 PM CDT
Lots..LOTS...of items. Have a list drawn up and am seeking to share it with an auctioneer to get a sense of what is worthwile. I can be contacted at insanity1@play.net
~Skylira Mer'Luna~
~Skylira Mer'Luna~
looking for a auctioning worthy trader on 03/29/2005 07:22 PM CST
im wanting to clear out my vault of some of my things... that and i need the money... so i have tried selling on the gweth, and tried standing infront the bazaar tent and hollerin till im blue in the face, well im not moving my things as fast as i know yall can. so would a kind trader that has time to hold a auction , kinda short or if there is one scheduled and i can get my things on the block would someone let me know?
thanks alot...
oh yeah i got leathers, weapons, packs, you know stuff that is collected over a years time
thanks for your time
im wanting to clear out my vault of some of my things... that and i need the money... so i have tried selling on the gweth, and tried standing infront the bazaar tent and hollerin till im blue in the face, well im not moving my things as fast as i know yall can. so would a kind trader that has time to hold a auction , kinda short or if there is one scheduled and i can get my things on the block would someone let me know?
thanks alot...
oh yeah i got leathers, weapons, packs, you know stuff that is collected over a years time
thanks for your time
Re: looking for a auctioning worthy trader on 03/31/2005 05:10 PM CST
Saturday, Haven.
I run tables and am now old enough to run Auctions.
Anyone want to give me a hint as to how to run an auction? This will be my first.
Everyone come along and join in the fun.
Traders and customers alike are welcome.
The more company the better.
A Trader of Haven.
I'm juggling, trading and also trading in juggling.
I run tables and am now old enough to run Auctions.
Anyone want to give me a hint as to how to run an auction? This will be my first.
Everyone come along and join in the fun.
Traders and customers alike are welcome.
The more company the better.
A Trader of Haven.
I'm juggling, trading and also trading in juggling.
Re: looking for a auctioning worthy trader on 04/01/2005 09:18 AM CST
Seeking experienced auctioneer on 06/05/2005 06:32 PM CDT
Hello there my friendly neighborhood traders! I am having trouble selling all my family's excess posessions, therefore I am seeking an experienced auctioneer to sit down and chat with me about possibly putting on an auction. My sisters and I have accumulated a lot of nice things over the many years we have been in the lands, so it will be a fairly large auction. We would like to hold it in the next few weeks if a time can be arranged.
SO! Email me at doubleal@comcast.net if you are interested in working with me.
~ the Alkitab/Ra'Shr/Cashmyr/? circus~
SO! Email me at doubleal@comcast.net if you are interested in working with me.
~ the Alkitab/Ra'Shr/Cashmyr/? circus~
Looking to possibly have an auction on 08/14/2006 02:03 PM CDT
I've recently come back to DR after a good long break, and have several hundred items. It takes forever to sell these individually. With some consultation we could probably get a good list of around 50 items in all ranges, 1-5 plat, 5-15 plat, and higher. I'd likely acquire or throw in some higher end items to draw in a larger crowd, I have a lot of liquid assets to help push this.
Some examples would include:
wax label(s)
love potion(s)
a blackened leather mask with transparent red eyeplates
a mahogany long staff with a large crystal sphere secured to its tip
some heavy steel chain with shoulder guards in the shape of giant barnacles
a high-collared black satin robe with a crimson hem
a short teak-hafted halberd tipped with a stylized vulture claw hook
a soldier's siege arbalest with a polished obsidian boltplate
a sturdy weapon harness studded with small tarnished silver spikes
a diminutive glass fishbowl
a pair of dun peacock-winged boots
a tattered sign made of hairless bearskin
a polished gaethzen sphere formed to resemble a fireball
an ash walking cane
a brushed platinum dagger clasp with a perfectly carved emerald snake coiled about the blade
a lumpy frog skin pouch
etc, etc, etc
AIM : nuclearcheez
email : shivanedr@yahoo.com
Some examples would include:
wax label(s)
love potion(s)
a blackened leather mask with transparent red eyeplates
a mahogany long staff with a large crystal sphere secured to its tip
some heavy steel chain with shoulder guards in the shape of giant barnacles
a high-collared black satin robe with a crimson hem
a short teak-hafted halberd tipped with a stylized vulture claw hook
a soldier's siege arbalest with a polished obsidian boltplate
a sturdy weapon harness studded with small tarnished silver spikes
a diminutive glass fishbowl
a pair of dun peacock-winged boots
a tattered sign made of hairless bearskin
a polished gaethzen sphere formed to resemble a fireball
an ash walking cane
a brushed platinum dagger clasp with a perfectly carved emerald snake coiled about the blade
a lumpy frog skin pouch
etc, etc, etc
AIM : nuclearcheez
email : shivanedr@yahoo.com
Need an auctioneer! on 06/20/2007 06:58 PM CDT
Hi, folks-
I've come around once again to having WAY too much stuff on my hands. I'd very much appreciate an experience auctioneer to help me sell my wares. Please let me know if you are interested and I will happily supply a list of items we can go over together.
Thanks in advance,
Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Notable of Ilithi
I've come around once again to having WAY too much stuff on my hands. I'd very much appreciate an experience auctioneer to help me sell my wares. Please let me know if you are interested and I will happily supply a list of items we can go over together.
Thanks in advance,
Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Notable of Ilithi
Looking for a market trader or an interested auctioneer. on 10/13/2008 06:05 PM CDT
I am in the market for a trader that I might be able to work with to help price out and sell a sizable collection of goods.
If any auctioneers are interested, I would be more than happy to talk about setting an auction up.
Either method, I'm a generous kinda guy. As a trader, I never took tips from empaths or raising clerics, I helped out as I was able in guild meetings, and I believe in paying well for an excellent service.
The list of goods is at: http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=20&category=3&topic=14&message=4743
I also have a couple thousand LTB points, if any traders are good with turning around items from the caves for plats.
I can be contacted via AIM at drbedan or via email at drbedan@gmail.com
- ,
If any auctioneers are interested, I would be more than happy to talk about setting an auction up.
Either method, I'm a generous kinda guy. As a trader, I never took tips from empaths or raising clerics, I helped out as I was able in guild meetings, and I believe in paying well for an excellent service.
The list of goods is at: http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=20&category=3&topic=14&message=4743
I also have a couple thousand LTB points, if any traders are good with turning around items from the caves for plats.
I can be contacted via AIM at drbedan or via email at drbedan@gmail.com
- ,
In need of a Trader to set up an auction or tables on 08/19/2010 03:14 PM CDT
Hello, I've been away from DR for over 5 years now and i come back with too much items in my vault that I do not use and in need to clearing out. I believe the items were rare when I quit but I don't know if it is till. Please contact me at raishi@gmail.com if you would want to take up this task.
Player of many
Player of many