how to learn trading on 06/17/2003 08:49 AM CDT
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I just woke my character up from a 10 month hiatus and found out that gem pouch selling is for those above 13th circle. My trader is 10th at the moment. What is the best way to learn trading other than runnin amongst the outposts in Shard? I tried to catch fish an sell them in the Amusement pier in Crossing and to also sell some bundles, but all that did was get me to learning. Any suggestions?
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Re: how to learn trading on 06/17/2003 09:09 AM CDT
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Contracts are probrally the better bet.

Pawning critter drops and Selling skins
Try finding a trader to teach it to ya - Trader tent or gemshop perhaps.
Contracts - zoluren or IP's

Not much else that's going to teach ya a hell of alot.

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Re: how to learn trading on 06/17/2003 11:53 AM CDT
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and gem selling is NOT FOR ABOVE 13'th circle, it is however average for above 13'th...its all about a combination of skills and maybe a few Stats, not sure what makes it, but something does...I was able to at 17'th by training one rank of charisma.

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