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This folder is for all official announcements
in thread Trabe Chalice and Iridius Rod - Updates
by SIMU-LYNEYA, 04/06/2022 06:46 PM CDT
This folder is intended for players to respond to announcements made by the Game Masters
in thread Re: Minor Trader Shop Update
by SHAWN255, 02/19/2021 11:01 PM CST
This folder is provided for all discussions regarding the Trader Guild
in thread Theren Trading
by TRICH, 09/24/2021 11:59 AM CDT
Post bugs related to the Trader Profession only
in thread Study Ledger
by TRICH, 09/14/2022 05:53 PM CDT
This folder is for Traders to come to voice their complaints about the guild. Standard policy applies, no flamming GM's or each other
in thread Workorders
by SCHULTZS3, 10/20/2020 02:41 AM CDT
This folder is Traders to come and express their dislike of another, and in a civil manner talk about their problems hopefully working it out. No flaming of staff, vulgarity, or sexual comments allowed.
in thread What's the deal?
by RUKAL, 10/05/2010 04:50 PM CDT
Voice your suggestions for the Trader Guild here
in thread New way to learn appraisal - app caravan
by DIMINISHEDANGEL, 07/27/2020 11:30 AM CDT
Discussions of the ever changing economy in Elanthia
in thread Wealth of the Common People.
by SQUANTO, 12/06/2016 05:13 AM CST
A folder for discussing what it means to be a Trader, and voicing your ideas for roleplaying one
A place to discuss theft, how to handle it, deal with or protect yourself against it. Feel free to offer advice to those in need who are having a problem losing their money due to theft. The use of this folder does NOT allow the flamming of individuals who practice the art, take those problems to conflicts, in a CIVIL manner.
in thread Length of time for a Response
by DRTYPRIOR, 06/14/2013 07:46 AM CDT
A place to talk about all tools and supplies related to the Trader guild
in thread Market table time restrictions
by SHADOW7988, 01/28/2018 04:07 PM CST
A place to talk about caravans, pack animals, stabling and feeding
in thread Player owned caravans?
by PURHEART, 07/07/2020 10:46 PM CDT
Give praise to your favorite Trader GM's and players here
in thread Indigoe
by SYLLY, 12/02/2016 05:03 PM CST
For all Events that involve the Traders, post here
in thread Magic Events?
by JHALIASCLERIC, 11/05/2017 09:46 AM CST
For real life discussions and inquiries. Stock Market taking a plunge? Became a millionaire and want to share your wealth with all? Ok maybe not the last one, but for all Earthly discussions, feel free to post here.
in thread A whole lot of catching up to do
by RAIST, 05/26/2013 12:59 AM CDT
Need a trader to run an auction, set up a market table, or help you with another enterprising business? Leave them a message here!
in thread Crafting Tool and Outfitting Swap Meet!
by ADUCHNOW1, 06/20/2018 04:37 PM CDT
Post Trader Guild title suggestions here.
in thread Ledgers
by ELLUSIONZ, 07/06/2015 01:47 PM CDT
This folder is for ALL things related to player owned shops, including bugs.
in thread Please Add More Shops
by BELLBAY33, 03/25/2021 12:27 PM CDT
All things pertaining to Trader magic.
in thread SA messaging
by PHUBB, 12/20/2020 05:54 PM CST